Module 3: Article Declension Flashcards
Masculine Article Declension
ὁ, τοῦ, τῷ, τόν, οἱ, τῶν, τοῖς, τούς
Feminine Article Declension
ἡ, τῆς, τῇ, τήν, αἱ, τῶν, ταῖς, τάς
Neuter Article Declension
τό, τοῦ, τῷ, τό, τά, τῶν, τοῖς, τά
Give the gender, case, and number of ὁ
Article: masc nom sing
Give the gender, case, and number of τοῦ
Article: masc/neut gen sing
Give the gender, case, and number of τῷ
Article: masc/neut dat sing
Give the gender, case, and number of τόν
Article: masc acc sing
Give the gender, case, and number of οἱ
Article: masc nom plur
Give the gender, case, and number of τῶν
Article: masc/fem/neut gen plur
Give the gender, case, and number of τοῖς
Article: masc/neut dat plur
Give the gender, case, and number of τούς
Article: masc acc plur
Give the gender, case, and number of ἡ
Article: fem nom sing
Give the gender, case, and number of τῆς
Article: fem gen sing
Give the gender, case, and number of τῇ
Article: fem dat sing
Give the gender, case, and number of τήν
Article: fem acc sing
Give the gender, case, and number of αἱ
Article: fem nom plur
Give the gender, case, and number of ταῖς
Article: fem dat plur
Give the gender, case, and number of τάς
Article: fem acc plur
Give the gender, case, and number of τό
Article: neut nom/acc sing
Give the gender, case, and number of τά
Article: neut nom/acc plur