Module 3: Anxiety Disorders Flashcards
What is the Prevalence of Anxiety?
16 - 17% experience any anxiety in a lifetime with GAD being most likely.
Females are more likely to be diagnosed.
What is Anxiety?
Normal reactions experienced by all people at different time points.
Normal reaction when faced with threatening stimuli.
What is Freud’s Anxiety Neurosis?
Anxiety arises as a result of intrapsychic conflict.
Symptoms of anxiety occur as a compromise.
What are the Limitations of Freud’s Anxiety Neurosis Model?
Case study of little Hans criticised.
Single case studies only as evidence of effectiveness.
Non-falsifiability of psychodynamic theoretical underpinnings.
Treatment is long-term with frequency of sessions high.
What is the Little Albert Case?
Subject in John Watson’s experiment, proved classical conditioning principles, especially the generalisation of fear.
What is Panic Disorder?
When an individual experiences recurrent, unexpected panic attacks.
Individual needs to have one of attack that is followed by a period of one month and are concerned/worried about additional attacks.
Significant related maladaptive behaviour change.
What is a Panic Attack?
An abrupt surge of intense fear or intense discomfort that reaches a peak within minutes, during which time four (or more) of the symptoms occur.
What is the Onset of Panic Disorders?
Typically in adolescence or mid-30s..
What is the Origin of Panic Disorders?
Vulnerability and hyperventilation.
Anxiety sensitivity: a tendency to interpret symptoms of anxiety as threatening.
What are the Four Types of Anxiety Disorders?
Agoraphobia, social anxiety, specific phobia, generalised anxiety disorder.
What is Agoraphobia?
Fear or avoidance of situations, such as crowds or wide open places, where one has felt loss of control and panic.
What is the Positive Punishment for Approach Behaviours?
Behaviour > negative consequence > behaviour decreases.
Approach > increases in anxiety > likelihood of approach reduced.
What is the Negative Reinforcement for Avoidance Behaviours?
Negative state > behaviour > negative state reduced (behaviour is then increased).
Anxiety > avoidance behaviour > reduction in anxiety (avoidance is then increased).
What is Social Anxiety Disorder?
Marked fear of social/performance situations in which the patient is exposed to possible scrutiny of others.
Duration of at least 6 months.
What is the Onset of Social Anxiety Disorder?
Onset in late adolescence, often out of a history of childhood shyness.