form the foundation of the accounting profession
accounting concepts and principles
Key accounting concepts and principles
1 Entity concept
2 Going concern concept
3 Accrual basis accounting
4 Consistency principle
5 Materiality principle
6 Prudence (conservatism) concept
7 Matching principle
8 Revenue recognition principle
9 Historical Cost principle
10 Consolidation principle
Business and owners are separate entity
financial transaction should be recorded separately from personal transaction of owner
entity concept
Business will continue to operate
financial statement are prepared in the belief that will remain in operation
going concern concept
Revenue and expenses are recognized when they are earned or incurred regardless when the cash is received or paid
accrual basis accounting
accounting procedures should be consistent
consistency principle
financial statement should be presented and disclosed if it could influence the economic decisions of users
materiality principle
accountants should be conservative in their approach, recognizing losses as soon they are foreseeable but only recognizing gain when they are realized
prudence (conservatism) concept
expenses should be recognized in the same accounting period as the revenues they help to generate.
cost in earning revenue accurately reflect financial statements
matching principle
revenue should be recognized when it is earned and realizable
revenue recognition principle
assets should be recorded at their original cost
historical cost principle
In group company, financial statement should be consolidated to present a true and fair view
consolidation principle