module 3 (3) Flashcards
color schemes
2 color shemes
4 related color schemes
monochromatic harmony
analogous harmony
monochromatic color scheme
analogous color scheme
one mode/one hue harmony
monochromatic harmony
combines different intensities/values lightness and darkness/ brightness and dullness of one color only
monochromatic harmony
combination of 2 or more neighboring colors in color chart
analogous harmony
one-color plan uses different tints, shades and intensities of color
monochromatic color scheme
colors that are adjacent, minimal contrast
analogous color scheme
6 contrasting color schemes
*split complementary
*double complementary
*triad color
*tetrad color
*accented neutral color
opposite hues on color wheel, colors across each other and contrasts greatly
uses one color, and two colors on each side of its complemet
split complementary
four colors, 2 beside each other and 2 opposite hues
double complementary
3 equidistant at color wheel with great contrast
triad color
4 equidistant at color wheel with great contrast
tetrad color
white, black, gray, beige with bright color accen
accented neutral color