Module 3 Flashcards
Individual judgement
Individual judgement occurs at the
end of our life here on earth and will be followed either by eternal union
or eternal separation from God.
Final judgment
Occurs at the end of the world and will mark the culmination of God’s re-creation of
ourselves and our world
What does heaven involve
Vision, union and life with God
What is heaven
It is experiencing God fully.
It is being at peace with yourself.
It is receiving everything that God is from Him
Heaven is a state of…
being united with God
Heaven is a realm of…
divine perfection
Heaven is where…
the souls of the righteous go in the afterlife.
Where are God and Jesus
What is Hell
is rejecting everything that God is – Unity, Truth, Goodness, Beauty.
It is being truly alone.
God respects the decision of some people not wanting to be with Him.
Why might some people may believe that Christian belief about judgement is too
negative ?
- it’s scary to think that God is watching all the time.
- traditional ideas about hell can be very grim and frightening
- judgement isn’t just about the individual, but about their loved ones too
why might some people believe that Christian belief about judgement is not too
negative ?
- it can be comforting to know that Jesus loved everyone, and told his followers that they shouldn’t judge others.
- after death, God is the judge, and because he is all-knowing and all-good they can be reassured that judgement will be fair
- the prospect of heaven after death can be enormously comforting as Christians think of it as a place without pain or sadness or death. Can be good for people that have has an illness or been in pain
Why might Christians follow Jesus’ teaching and example by
• they might make a point of forgiving people who do wrong to them
• they might be willing to put their own lives on the line for their faith in Jesus.
• Many Christians have died for their faith.
• they might make a particular effort to reach out to people on the fringes of society, or who are seen as outcasts.
Why is the Golden rule good ?
people would be treated better, and happiness
What would happen if people followed the teaching of the Good Samaritan
no more rivalry
What would the prodigal son lead to ?
greater forgiveness and reconciliation
Why do people follow Jesus’ teaching
- As an incarnation of God, his words have tremendous authority, and Christians can be sure they will be right.
- the incarnation also makes him the ultimate role model
- because they believe that following his teachings will make the world a better place
- a Christian is a follower of ‘Christos’, so it has always been an essential part of the Christian faith.
Why do some people think you cannot be expected to follow Jesus’ teaching
and example today ?
• It’s not realistic to expect ordinary people to be able to live like the Son of God.
• Humans are limited in what they can do for others — we can’t make a blind man see or walk on water.
• Jesus was meant to be without sin, so not the same for humans
• It’s too hard to be loving and kind to people who are hateful to us — it goes against human nature
Why do some people think that you can be expected to follow Jesus’ teaching and
example today ?
• Can’t be like Jesus, so can look after people like caring for the sick
show that it is possible to love your
enemies as Jesus did.
• Many Christians wanting to live like Jesus
Not impossible to live like Jesus
Why do some people say that Jesus’ teachings are still relevant in the 21st century ?
• they remain relevant today
• some says we need jesus’ teaching for war etc.
• Jesus told his followers to spread the word so some still do this today
• Jesus’ parables are easy to understand and can be used as a
metaphor for situations we face in the modern world, so the teachings
remain relevant today
Why do some people say that Jesus’ teachings are not relevant in the 21st century ?
• It doesn’t come naturally to put others first
• It also goes against human instinct and the widely accepted view that it is ok or
even right to defend yourself
• some people put their lives at risk by being Christians
• This shows that some people do not really value the teachings of Jesus, or they interpret them to suit themselves
What does individual prayer involve ?
What are the main types of prayer
o Asking
o Sorrow
o Thanksgiving
o Praise and Adoration
What does community worship involve ?
Sacraments and liturgical seasons
What are the five liturgical seasons
▪ Advent
▪ Christmas
▪ Lent
▪ Easter
▪ Ordinary Time
What are the sacraments of healing ?
– Reconciliation and the
Anointing of the Sick.
What are the sacraments of initiation?
Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist.
What are the sacraments of ministry ?
– Marriage,
Holy Orders.
Why might Christian’s worship ?
• It connects followers with God helps them to understand him better.
• It shows appreciation to God for what he has done for them.
• It acknowledges that God is greater than them and that he is the
creator and sustainer.
• It brings people together with fellow believers so they can connect as
one family and encourage one another in their faith.
Why do some Christians think it’s essential to worship with others ?
• Going to church shows you are associating yourself with other Christians
• a sign to others that your faith is real.
• a valuable source of encouragement, eg in the sharing of “The Peace”.
• During formal worship with others there are opportunities to strengthen your faith
Why some Christians think it’s not essential to worship others ?
• Worship is about your personal relationship with God
• Many very spiritual Christians have lived solitary lives in meditation and prayer.
• The Kingdom of God happens when people show love to those outside the community of faith.
• The Parable of the Sheep and the Goats suggests the true sign of real faith is love for others who are struggling.