Module 3 Flashcards
refers to the destruction or inhibition of microorganisms on living tissue. Because they are used on humans, agents are generally not as toxic as disinfectants
species with their growth optimum between pH 0 and 5.5 (low or acidic pH)
a microorganism which grows in the presence of air or requires oxygen for growth.
Aerotolerant anaerobes
organisms that use fermentation to produce ATP rather than oxygen, but they can protect themselves from reactive oxygen molecules.
species with their growth optimum between pH 8.0 and 11.5 (high or basic pH)
any organism that does not require oxygen for growth
Archaeal cell cycle
occurs in stages much like eukaryotic cells, with a distinct G1, S, G2 and segregation phase
a machine that uses steam under pressure to kill harmful bacteria, viruses, fungi, and spores on items that are placed inside a pressure vessel. The items are heated to an appropriate sterilization temperature for a given amount of time
Bacterial Cell Cycle
chromosome replication
organisms that tolerate high pressure environments
Batch Culture
culture technique in which microorganisms and nutrients are left for a set period of time, during which the nutrient stock is depleted
Binary fission
a relatively simple type of cell division where a parent cell divides into two equivalent daughters.
clusters of bacteria that are attached to a surface and/or to each other and embedded in a self-produced matrix
Cardinal temperatures
the minimum, optimum, and maximum growth temperatures unique to each organism.
Chemical microbial biocides
chemicals used to control microorganisms, including: Phenolics, Alcohols, Halogens, Heavy metals, Quaternary ammonium compounds, Aldehydes, and Sterilizing gases.
in continuous culture systems, it is a device to which fresh medium is continuously added, while culture liquid containing left over nutrients, metabolic end products and microorganisms are continuously removed at the same rate to keep the culture volume constant.
Colony forming units
a measure that indicates the number of cells that remain viable enough to proliferate and form small colonies
Compatible solutes
solutes produced by halotolerant/halophile organisms, creating a high enough concentration of solutes within the cell that water will flow into the cell rather than out.
Complex/rich medium
a culture medium rich that contains materials of biological origin such as blood or milk or yeast extract or beef extract, the exact chemical composition of which is obviously undetermined.
Continuous culture
culture technique in which are nutrients added and product is removed at a steady rate throughout.
Culture media
or growth medium is a liquid or gel designed to support the growth of microorganisms.
the physical process of cell division, which divides the cytoplasm of a parental cell into two daughter cells.
Decimal reduction time or D value
a common measure of the killing efficiency of a microbial agent; the time required to kill 90% of the microorganisms in a sample under the conditions tested.
Defined medium
also known as chemically defined medium or synthetic medium, is a culture medium in which all the chemicals used are known, no yeast, animal, or plant tissue is present