The 2 General Sources of Public Water Supply are:
surface water
ground water
The 3 Watersheds identified as major water sources for Metro Cebu:
- Kotkot Watershed
- Lusaran Watershed
- Mananga Watershed
MCWD supplies only ____ of Metro Cebu’s population.
What is the Purification Process for Surface Water Supply Source?
- Storage
- Aeration
- Coagulation / Flocculation
- Sedimentation
- Filtration
Water is sprayed into the air or cascaded in order to release trapped gases & absorb additional oxygen for better taste. It also removes iron compounds.
the chemical process in which the _____ reacts with the sediment to make it capable of combining into larger particles. Alum is the common coagulant used.
common coagulant used
is the physical process in which the sediment particles collide with each other and stick together.
This is the process by which suspended solids are removed from the water by gravity settling and deposition. The objective of this process is to remove most of the suspended solids and thus reducing the loads on the filters.
Water is passed through a bed of fine sand in which the suspended matters that did not settle during sedimentation are trapped and held in place by the force of gravity or by the direction of flow.
What are the types of Filters?
slow sand filter
rapid sand filter
2 types of rapid sand filter
rapid gravity filter
rapid pressure filter
The organic matter which accumulates on the surface of the sand forms a jelly-like film which does stops the passage of organisms. Cleaning of the filter bed is done through scraping off a thin layer of sand together with the surface film. There must be at least 2 filters in any filtration system.
slow sand filter
When the filter requires cleaning, it is emptied down to the level of the waste channel. The sand is agitated from below by means of compressed air delivered through the same pipes which previously collected the filtered water. The cleaning is completed in a few minutes and the filter is ready for use again immediately.
rapid gravity filter
This is generally used for the purification of water used in swimming pools. The cleaning process consists of reversing the flow of water through the filter and allowing the washings to flow through the washout valve. While the flow of water is reversed, the sand is agitated from below by mechanical stirrers or by compressed air injected from below the filter bed.
rapid pressure filter
______ is the method of introducing a controlled amount of chlorine gas or chlorine salts to the water in order to attain a desired degree of disinfection. ______ kills any disease – producing organisms in the water.
Used in disinfecting wells
pot chlorinator