Module 2 Psychological Perspective of Self Flashcards
How many stages of Erik Eriksons psychosocial development theory of the self has?
8 stages
This theory involves the perspective of forming an identity that is viewed as a process that separates the adolescence from strong parental expectations imposed on them.
Erik Erikson’s Psychosocial Development Theory of the Self
Trust vs Mistrust
Early Childhood
Autonomy Vs Shame and Doubt
Initiative vs guilt
School Age
Industry vs Inferiority
Identity vs role confusion
Young adulthood
Intimacy vs Isolation
Middle Adulthood
Generativity vs Stagnation
According to Sigmund Freud the mind has a developed personality that is made up of three structures.
Ego Integrity vs Despair
He created the springboard of the psychoanalytic approach in understanding the human behavior. That the dynamic forces within the self are many and are conflicting forces that the individual has to resolve
Sigmund Freud
This refers to the trait of a personality by needing to satisfy basic need and urges.
the ID
it is the I, that operates on the reality principle and controls the id, this is the mediator of the id and superego.
the Ego
It is the conscience and operates based on ones morality.
It strives for perfection and morals that makes an individual feel guilty if the rules are violated.
the SuperEgo
ego strength
is the ability to resolve the conflict between the structures, unresolved conflict will result in a personality problem.
What are Freud’s psychosexual stages of development?
Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency, Genital
It lasts from birth up to the first year of life. During this stage, satisfactions comes from oral activities such as sucking, biting and putting objects in the mouth for exploration. Overindulgence may lead to oral dependent personality disorder such as overeating, smoking, alcoholism.
Oral Stage
this occurs around 2 years old, pleasure comes from elimination of body wastes. (ang weird mo freud shet)
Anal stage
Occurs in 3 to 6 year olds, this stage derives pleasure from examining, playing, touching or displaying their genitals. They have curiosity between the anatomy of man and woman. Parents and Teachers mist educate children about sexuality because fixations at this stage may lead to abnormal sex behaviors.
It lasts up to 7 to 12 years of age. Sexual energy is repressed because children become busy with school
Latency Stage
Pleasure is derived from the genital area and the need to satisfy their sexual drives this lasts up to adolescence up to adulthood.
Genital Stage
who proposed the theory of the Self as the central Archetype theory
Carl Jung
These are the universal models after which one’s roles are patterned on. It represents the hidden potential of the psyche. Jung emphasized that this resides in the forgotten experiences common to all human beings which is called the collective conscious.
The Archetypes