Module 2: Pragmatics Flashcards
Pragmatics vs. Grammar
Pragmatics is the study of how language is affected by the context in which it occurs.
Grammar is the study of internal structure of language.
Pragmatics: language use
Grammar: language structure
Grammar areas of study
Semantics, syntax, morphology, phonology
An utterance can imply a proposition that is not part of the utterance and that does not follow as a necessary consequence of the utterance.
More than one implicature can arise from an utterance.
An implicature arises in the mind of a hearer when the speaker flouts one of the maxims of the cooperative principle.
Cooperative Principle
Assumption that participants in a conversation are cooperating with each other. (Paul Grice) - possible way explain implicature.
Cooperative Principle consists of four conversational maxims: Quantity, quality, relation, manner
Grice claims we don’t construct conversations with only these rules, but we interpret what we hear as if it conforms to these maxims.
When a maxim is violated, we draw an inference (an implicature) which makes the utterance conform to the maxims.
Quantity maxim (Cooperative Principle)
Participant’s contribution should be informative. Should be no more or less informative than required by conversation
Quality maxim (Cooperative Principle)
Participant’s contribution should be true. Based on sufficient evidence.
Relation maxim (Cooperative Principle)
Participant’s contribution should be relevant to the subject of the conversation.
Manner maxim (Cooperative Principle)
Participant’s contribution should be clear. Should not be vague, ambiguous, or excessively wordy.
Flouting (Cooperative Principle)
Intentional violation of a maxim for the purpose of conveying an unstated proposition.
Speech acts
An utterance can be used to perform an act. Uttering a sentence can do things as well as say things (John Austin)
Each speech act has two facets: Locutionary act and an illocutionary act.
Locutionary act (Speech act)
The act of saying something. It is a description of what the speaker says. The act typically the act of using a referring expression and a predicating expression.
Referring expression
a referring expression (RE) is any noun phrase, or surrogate for a noun phrase, whose function in discourse is to identify some individual object.
Predicating expression
A predicate is a verb that expresses the subject’s action or state of being.
Illocutionary act (Speech Act)
What the speaker does in uttering a sentence. Includes: stating, requesting, questionaing, promising, apologizing, appointing.
Sometimes called illocutionary force of the utterance.
Types of illocutionary acts (Speech Acts)
John Searle - endless number of illocutionary acts but can classify: Representative, Directive, Question, Commissive, Expressive, Declaration