Module 2- Neuroprosthetics Flashcards
Neuroprosthetics: The Nervous System
To understand neuroprosthetics, we first need to understand the nervous system. The nervous system:
● Receives Information
● Processes Information
● Generates Responses to Stimuli
“Neuro” - “Prosthetics”: Definition
Devices that interface with the nervous system to restore a function that has been compromised as a result of injury or disease
Visual neuroprosthetics
Devices that interface with the nervous system to restore a function that has been compromised as a result of injury or disease
Auditory neuroprosthetics
Devices that interface with the nervous system to restore a function that has been compromised as a result of injury or disease
Somatosensory and motor neuroprosthetics
Neuroprosthetic timeline
Electrophysiology: Recording from the Nervous System
Electrodes sense signal changes in the nervous system. Specifically, these electrodes record action potentials from individual or groups of neurons.
● Number of neurons depends on size of individual electrode contacts
Pros/cons of neurological recordings
Why might we choose one type of neural recording tool over another?
Pros/cons of neurological recordings- invasiveness
EEG: Non-invasive (outside skull)
ECoG: Medium invasiveness
○ Under skull (surgical risk)
○ Outside of brain tissue
LFP: Most invasive
○ Penetrates brain tissue
Pros/cons of neurological recordings- signal-to-noise rate (strength of signal compared to background noise)
● EEG: Lowest SNR
● ECoG: Medium SNR
● LFP: Highest SNR
Other pros/cons of neurological recordings
- Cost
- Portability
- Spatial/Temporal
Resolution - Mechanical Problems and
Fixability - Number of Electrodes
Definition of Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)
A neurosurgical procedure that uses electrical stimulation to modulate irregular brain signals.
When/why do we use DBS?
● In movement disorders
○ Parkinson’s
○ Essential Tremor
○ Dystonia
● In psychiatric conditions
○ Obsessive-compulsive disorder
○ Depression
● Reserved for those with
symptoms uncontrolled by medications/other therapies
Bidirectional DBS Platforms: Recording in Naturalistic Environments
Why is it important to record in “natural” environments? Why record from the brain at all when there are scales of disease state?
Ethical Debates in Neuroprosthetics- What are some potential ethical concerns that might arise with the growth and development of neuroprosthetics?
Ethical concerns:
● Enhancement
● Security and Privacy
● Influencing Mental
Function and the Authentic Self
Ethical debates in neuroprosthetics- enhancement
Ethical Debates in Neuroprosthetics- security and privacy
Ethical Debates in Neuroprosthetics-Influencing Mental
Function and the Authentic Self
●Neuroprosthetics reflect an umbrella term of treatments
○ They can substitute motor, sensory, or cognitive functions interrupted by neurological disease
● Neuroprosthetics can “listen” to the brain, providing quantitative insights into disease states
● There is still debate in the neuroprosthetics field, motivating consideration for long-term ethical concerns
Open vs. closed loop
This type of technology can be open loop (only offering stimulation without receiving feedback) or closed loop (the stimulation parameters can be modified based on feedback responses).