Module 2: Kingdom Monera Flashcards
Define Pathogen
It’s an organism that causes disease
We use the term pathogen to make the distinction between harmful and beneficial bacteria.
Define Saprophyte
An organism that feels on dead matter
Define Parasite
An organism that feeds on a living host
Define Respiration
The process by which food is converted into useable energy for life functions
Define Aerobic respiration
Respiration that requires oxygen
Define Anaerobic respiration
Respiration that does not require oxygen
Define Steady state
A state in which members of a population die as quickly as new members are born.
Define Conjugation
A temporary union of two organisms for the purpose of DNA transfer.
Define Plasmid
A small, circular section of extra DNA that confers one or more traits to a bacterium
Define transformation
The transfer of a “naked” DNA segment from a nonfunctional donor cell to that of a functional recipient cell.
Define endospore
The DNA of a bacterium that is coated with several hard layers.
Define strains
Organisms from the same species that have markedly different traits.
Label all of the important structure on the bacterium below p. 65
Describe the functions of pilus (singular of pili)
Grasp surfaces to help the bacteria adhere to them (as an aid to the sticky capsule), or it grasp other bacteria as part of reproduction (for some bacteria).
Describe the functions of capsule
A capsule surrounds the cell wall.
-Its made up of a sticky substance which helps the bacteria adhere to surfaces.
- Its a protective layer that tends to deter infection-fighting agents.