Module 2 Key Terms Flashcards
cell possessing properties of fibroblasts and smooth muscle cells that cause wound contraction
final phase of wound healing during which collagen matures and reorients along the liens of stress
proteases that degrade the extracellular matrix
matrix metalloproteases (MMPs)
cell that helps initiate inflammation; secretes histamine, enzymes, and chemical mediators
mast cell
when PMNs are pushed to the sides of a vessel wall
scar due to the overproduction of collagen that extends beyond the confines of the original wound
cell surface receptors that allow cells to reversibly bind to the extracellular matrix
first phase of wound healing, characterized by localized redness, heat, swelling, pain, decreased function
a pothole-type wound that fails to build a sufficient granulation matrix
hypo granular
overproduction of collagen that stays within the confines of the original wound
hypertrophic scarring
error of the proliferative phase in which too much granulation tissue is formed and epithelialization is delayed
a closed wound with tissue strength approachign normal
healed wound
temporary structure composed of vascularized connective tissue that fills the wound void
granulation tissue
dermal cells that produces collage, elastin, granulation tissue, and growth factors
mixture of fluid, high levels of protein, and cells
process by which keratinocytes resurface the wound defect