Module 2: Foundations in Theory Flashcards
Four phases of the nurse-patient relationship according to Peplau
- pre-orientation phase
- orientation phase
- working phase
- termination phase
Pre-orientation phase
-each member of the dyad (nurse-patient) are getting to know each other.
Orientation phase
-dyad (nurse-patient) working at developing goals for the interaction
(long-term or short-term)
Working phase
- actual work of therapy
- resolution occurs; coping skills mastered; teaching occurs
Termination phase
-early to start termination process early on in therapy–letting the client know there is a beginning, middle, and end to the therapy work.
Theories used within Psychiatry
- Developmental
- Psychoanalytic
- Humanistic
- Cognitive Behavioral
- Behavioral
Erikson’s 8 Stages of Development
- Infancy
- Toddler
- Pre-School
- School Age
- Adolescence
- Early Adulthood
- Middle Adulthood
- Late Adulthood
0-18 months
Trust vs. Mistrust
18 months-3 years
Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
3-6 years
Initiative vs. Guilt
School Age
7-11 years
Industry vs. Inferiority
12-18 years
Identity vs. Role Confusion
Early Adulthood
19-28 years
Intimacy vs. Isolation
Middle Adulthood
Generativity vs. Stagnation
Late Adulthood
Integrity vs. Despair
Freudian 6 Psychosexual stages of Development
- Oral (birth–12 mos or longer)
- Anal (ages 1-3 yrs)
- Phallic (ages 3-6 yrs)
- Oedipus complex (ages 4-6 yrs)
- Latency (ages 6-12 yrs)
- Genital (ages 12-18 yrs)
Freud’s Ego, Id, Superego
Superego: moral compass; societal norms
Ego: the middle; what is available for psychotherapy
Id: at bottom; below surface, can’t see it; instincts and drives
Psychoanalytic theory and the Nurse-Patient Relationship
- Transference
- Countertransference
- Interpersonal
patient projects onto the nurse feelings, emotions, actions as if they were interacting with someone from their past
feelings of the nurse (or actions) toward the patient
- Harry Stack Sullivan
- emphasized the importance of interpersonal relationships and interpersonal relations as a vehicle for healing within a therapeutic relationship
- proposed that interpersonal relations were more important than Freudian psychoanalytic theories and concept of the id
Roger’s Humanistic Theory
Person oriented psychotherapy:
- congruence
- unconditional acceptance and positive regard
- empathetic understanding
therapist is accepting of the patient and consistent–looking at what issues the patient is bringing to therapy
Cognitive Theory
Aaron Beck
- How people feel and behave is shaped by how they think about the world and their place in it.
- cognitions: way of thinking
- schemata: scenario patient sets up in their mind about certain situation
- therapy is based on challenging negative cognitions
Behavioral Theory and Therapy
-looks at how behaviors can be changed and modified w/o insight into what causes behaviors
- operant conditioning
- reinforcement (negative and positive)
- extension of behavioral theory (modeling, operant conditioning, systematic desensitization)
Operant conditioning
the positive reinforcement for rewarding behaviors that you want to instill in a person