Module 2 Flashcards
Egyptians living along the Nile Valley possessed knowledge of
Medicine, mathematics, and even engineering feats
Around 400 BC there were clear signs of scientific development in
Ancient times
•Wheels in Mesopotamia (3500 BCE)
•Papyrus in Egypt (3000 BCE)
•Antikythera Mechanism Invented in Greece (150-100BCE)
Middle ages
•Spinning wheel in india (6th-11th century AD)
•Paper money in china (17th Century AD)
•Gun Powder in china 850 AD
Early Modern Times
•Microscope by Zacharias Janssen (1590)
•Mercury Barometer by Evangelista Torricelli (1644)
Modern Times
•World Wide Web by Tim Berners-Lee (1990)
•Automobile by Karl Benz (1886)
•Telephone by Alexander Graham Bell (1876)