Module 2 Flashcards
Gall Bladder
the reservoir for bile on the posteroinferior surface of the liver
Biliary Calculi
stones in the biliary system
inflammation of the bile duct
inflammation of the gall bladder
presence of stones in the gall bladder
gall stone
presence of stones in the gall bladder
gall bladder examination
cystic duct
the duct through which bile from the gall bladder passes into the common bile duct
Common Bile Duct
the duct formed by the juncture of the cystic and hepatic ducts
Hepatic Duct
bile drains from the liver into the hepatic duct
Ampulla of Vater
the dilation formed by the junction of the pancreatic and bile ducts as they open into the lumen of the duodenum
Sphincter of Oddi
a band of circular muscle fibers around the lower end of the common bile and pancreatic duct
Submandibular Gland
one of a pair of round, walnut-sized salivary glands in the submandibular triangle, the gland secretes both mucus and a thinner serous fluid, which aid the digestive process.
Sublingual Gland
one of a pair of small salivary glands situated under the mucous membrane of the floor of the mouth, beneath the tongue. The sublingual gland secretes mucus produced by its alveoli.
Parotid Gland
one of the largest pairs of salivary glands that lie at the side of the face just below and in front of the external ear.
Cardiac Orifice
where the esophagus meets the stomach
Fundus of the Stomach
a cul-de-sac of the stomach that lies above the level of the cardiac orifice
Greater Curvature
the outer (larger) external curvature of the stomach (in AP view)
Lesser Curvature
the inner (smaller) internal curvature of the stomach (in AP view
Body of the Stomach
the large central portion of the stomach
the funnel shaped terminal portion of the stomach where most digestion takes place
– interior lining of the stomach shaped into numerous macroscopic longitudinal folds
Pyloric Sphincter
where the pylorus narrows to form the duodenal portion of the small intestine
a wormlike blunt process extending from the cecum
inflammation of the colon
outpouching of the wall of an organ (pleural)
inflammation of the duodenum
inflammation of the intestine
inflammation of the stomach
inflammation of the ileum
abnormally distended colon