Module 2 Flashcards
*What are the 7 guiding principles? [2.b]
Focus on value, start where you are, progress iteratively with feedback, collaborate & promote visibility, think & work holistically, keep it simple & practical, optimise & automate
*Describe Focus on Value [2.b.i]
All activities conducted by the organisation should link back, directly or indirectly, to value for itself, its customers & other stakeholders. Includes services
*What are the steps involved in focus on value? [2.b.i]
Identify & understand consumer, understand consumer’s perspective of value (cost, timescale, quality & complexity), map value to intended outcomes which change over time & understand customer & user experience
*What is customer experience? [2.b.i]
Sum of the functional & emotional interactions with a service & the service provider as perceived by the consumer
*What is user experience? [2.b.i]
People interacting with a service & the experience received from that interaction
*How can we apply focus on value? [2.b.i]
Know how service consumers use each service, encourage this principle among all staff, implement during normal operational activity as well as improvement initiatives & include it in every step of improvement initiatives
*Describe Start Where you Are [2.b.ii]
Don’t start from scratch & build something new without considering what’s available to be leveraged. Likely to be plenty in current services, processes, programmes, projects & people to create a desired outcome
*What are the steps involved in start where you are? [2.b.ii]
Directly observe & measure existing services & methods to understand the current state & what can be re-used, have someone with little/no prior knowledge observe - they can see things those with preconceptions may miss, beware of inaccurate/biased reports by getting source data, don’t be afraid to ask stupid questions when observing activity & base decisions on accurate info
*What should you be aware of when measuring in start where you are? [2.b.ii]
Use measurement to enable, rather than replace analysis of the observed. Over-reliance on analytics/reporting injects bias & risk into decision-making. Direct observation is preferred. Measuring can affect results & make them inaccurate, metrics should be meaningful & directly related to direct outcomes
*How can we apply start where you are? [2.b.ii]
Look at what exists as objectively as possible, when an example of successful practices/services is found, consider how it can be expanded or replicated, apply risk management skills & recognise that sometimes nothing can be reused
*Describe Progress Iteratively with Feedback [2.b.iii]
Don’t attempt to do everything at once. Organise work not smaller, manageable sections that can be executed & completed in a timely manner. Use a feedback loop
*What is a feedback loop? [2.b.iii]
A technique whereby outputs of 1 part of a system are used as inputs to the same part of the system
*How can feedback loops be used? [2.b.iii]
Continually reevaluate initiatives & their component iterations to reflect changes in circumstances, seeking & using feedback before, throughout & after each iteration. Help participants know where work comes from, outputs go & how actions affect outcomes
*What is the role of feedback? [2.b.iii]
Seek & use feedback before, during & after each iteration to ensure actions are focused & appropriate. Actively collect & process feedback along the value chain to function well. Use good feedback mechanisms to facilitate an understanding of key subjective & objective data on the environment an organisation works in. Gather & analyse feedback & identify improvements, risk & issues
*What does well-constructed feedback mechanisms facilitate an understanding of? [2.b.iii]
End-user & customer perception of value created, efficiency & effectiveness of value chain activities, effectiveness of service governance & management controls, interface between an organisation, its partners & supplier network & demand for products & services
*What does working in a timeboxed, iterative manner with feedback loops allow for? [2.b.iii]
Greater flexibility, faster responses to customer & business needs, ability to discover & respond to failure earlier & overall quality improvement
*How can we apply progress iteratively with feedback? [2.b.iii]
Comprehend the whole but do something, note that the ecosystem is constantly changing so feedback is essential & fast doesn’t mean incomplete (minimum viable product)
*Describe Collaborate & Promote Visibility [2.b.iv]
When initiatives involve the right people in correct roles, efforts benefit from better buy-in, greater relevance (better info for decision-making) & increased likelihood of long-term success. Communicate! Doesn’t have to mean consensus, decisions made using visible data
*How does communication benefit visibility? [2.b.iv]
Increase urgency through visibility by understanding the flow of work in progress, identifying bottlenecks & excess capacity & uncovering waste
*What are the key collaboration pairs? [2.b.iv]
Service provider to customers, developers to operations & suppliers to the organisation. People & perspectives for successful collaboration found in all stakeholder groups
*Why is promoting visibility important? [2.b.iv]
Makes work transparent > enables clear understanding of prioritisation, support good decision making & facilitates communication messaging
Makes work flow
*Describe Think & Work Holistically [2.b.v]
No service, practice, process, department or supplier works in a vacuum. Outputs an organisation delivers to itself, its customers & other stakeholders suffer unless it works in an integrated way to handle activities as whole rather than separate parts. All activities should be focused on value delivery
*What are the key applications of think & work holistically? [2.b.v]
Recognise system complexity & change methods & rules depending on this, collaboration is key to this principle, look for patterns in needs of & interactions between system elements when possible & note that automation can facilitate this
*Describe Keep it Simple & Practical []
Minimum number of steps should always be use to accomplish an objective. Outcome-based thinking should be used to produce practical solutions that deliver valuable outcomes. If process, service, action or metric fails to provide value or useful outcome, eliminate it
*What are the key points of keep it simple & practical? []
Establish a holistic view of an organisation’s work, start with an uncomplicated approach, adding later as needed, don’t try to produce a solution for every exception (consider them, but design general rules to handle - you can’t cover them all!) & be mindful of competing objectives - find a balance and consider which contribute to value creation
*What are the 6 steps to keeping it simple & practical? []
Ensure value, simplicity is ultimate sophistication, do fewer things better, respect time of those involved, easier to understand is more likely to adopt & simplicity is the best way to achieve quick wins
*Describe Optimise & Automate [2.b.vii]
Organisations must maximise value of work performed by human & technical resources and achieve economies of scale. Can increase costs if not done carefully & reduce responsiveness & resilience
*Describe optimisation [2.b.vii]
Understand & agree context in which proposed optimisation exists (includes agreeing with overall vision & org objectives)
Assess current state of proposed optimisation (where it can be improved & which improvement opportunities likely to produce biggest positive impact)
Agree future state & priorities of org, focusing on simplification & value (includes standardisation of practices & services, easier to automate/optimise later)
Ensure optimisation has appropriate level of stakeholder engagement & commitment
Execute improvements in interactive way (use metrics & feedback to check progress, stay on track & adjust approach to optimisation as needed)
Continually monitor impact of optimisation, helps to improve working methods
*Describe automation [2.b.vii]
Use of technology to perform step/series of steps correctly & consistently with limited/no human interaction. Standardises & streamlines manual tasks. Opportunites found across organisation
Simplify/optimise before automating, define metric & use other guiding principles when applying this one