Module 2 Flashcards
What is a Research
A detailed written plan of the study. The contents provide the background, specify the objectives, and describe the
design and organization of the trial. It is prepared before the acquisition of data,
and involves the collaboration of medical specialists with expertise in the therapeutic
area, clinical investigators, monitors, and a biostatistician
Population Intervention Comparator Outcome Setting
different data types:
* Continuous: measure of central
tendency (e.g., mean) and
measure of dispersion (e.g.,
standard deviation)
* Categorical: for each category –
(1) a count or (2) measure of
central tendency and measure of dispersion
It will be in the form of testing a
Usually related to primary question. Data collected for the purpose of answering the primary question may also elucidate the secondary questions
Subgroup hypotheses
Hierarchy in terms of credibility
potential benefit of the intervention must be maximized while possible toxicity is kept to a minimum
Study Population
Subset of the population with the condition or characteristic of interest defined by the eligibility criteria
Eligibility Criteria
Conditions used to determine if
a person qualifies to participate
in a clinical trial
Quality check
Review record to ensure:
Categories do not overlap and all categories are presented.
Range and direction of scores in baseline characteristics description are explained. Terms are understandable to the general public.
Response variables/endpoints
Outcomes measured during the course of the trial, and they define and answer the question
Event times
time to recurrence of cancer, survival time
frequency of occurrence of migraine headaches, number of
uses of rescue meds for asthma
Binary endpoints
no recurrence/recurrence, major cardiac event yes or no
Ordered categories
absent, mild moderate, severe pain, NYHA status
Unordered categories
categories of adverse experiences: GI, cardiac, etc.
Adverse Event
Any untoward medical
occurrence associated with the use of a drug, whether or not considered drug related
Serious Adverse Event
Death, a life-threatening adverse event, inpatient hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization, a persistent or significant incapacity or
substantial disruption of the ability to conduct normal life functions, or a congenital anomaly/birth defect