Module 2 Flashcards
What is cognition?
Refers to the internal mental processes that are involved in making sense of the enormous amount of information that is bombarding our brains on a moment-to-moment basis.
What is the three-stage model of memory?
Picture of the model.
What is the difference between echoic & iconic
sensory memory?
What is the Sperling task?
What does Sperling task measure?
Compare and contrast the whole, partial, &
delayed-partial-report procedures.
What is the cocktail party effect?
What is the dichotic listening task?
Compare & contrast the early-selection and
attenuator models of attention.
What factors influence divided attention?
Compare & contrast decay and interference theory.
What is the Brow-Peterson task?
What is the Waugh & Norman probe digit task?
What is the release from proactive interference?