Module 2 Flashcards
covalent bonds
allows molecules to share electrons with other molecules creating longer chains of compounds and allowing more complexity in life
refer to picture 1
a particle of matter that uniquely defines a chemical element. An atom consists of a central nucleus that is surrounded by one or more negatively charged electrons. The nucleus is positively charged and contains one or more relatively heavy particles known as protons and neutrons.
refer to pic 2 & 3
how are atoms in a molecule held together
by covalent bonds
covalent can be non polar or polar
non polar: e- shared evenly between atoms
polar: e- not shared evenly
refer to pic 4 & 5
what type of bonds are hydrophilic/lipophilic
non polar bonds
hydrophobic: hate water
lipophilic: love fats
^^^ both of these interact better w fats than water
ex) triglycerides & steroids
triglycerides: fat/lipid in blood, used for energy, comes from foods
hydrophilic: like water
lipophobic: hate fats
polar bonds
form hydrogen bonds
hydrogen bonds
dipole-dipole attraction between molecules
results from the attractive force between a hydrogen atom covalently bonded to a very electronegative atom such as a N, O, or F atom
pic 9 & 10
charged atoms/molecules
ex) Na+, K+, Ca +2, Cl-
pic 11
Chlorine gains an electron, leaving it with 17 protons and 18 electrons. Since it has 1 more electron than protons, chlorine has a charge of −1, making it a negative ion.
measure of H+ ions in a solution
pic 12
ph level (acidic to basic)
4 biomolecules
1) carbs/sugar
2) lipid
3) proteins
4) nucleic acids
(4 Biomolecules)
biomolecules: chemical compound found in living organisms - building blocks of life and perform important functions
why is learning chemistry necessary for physiology
everything in body is molecules interacting with one another
ex) skeletal muscle cell
1) within the skeletal muscle cell, there is a nucleus (controls the activities of the cell).
within the nucleus, there is DNA (type of nucleic acid)
DNA: provides instructions for making proteins. DNA is made of 2 strange held together by hydrogen bonds
2) important protein in muscles are myosin - use energy to change change.
when all myosin change together, it causes muscle cell to get shorter - (muscle contractions). energy for myosin movement comes from breaking down glucose (sugar) - when glucose breaks
muscle contractions: tightening, shortening muscle during some kind of activity, typically happens when you hold or pick up something.
why is learning chemistry necessary for physiology
everything in body is molecules interacting with one another
ex) skeletal muscle cell
1) within the skeletal muscle cell, there is a nucleus (controls the activities of the cell).
within the nucleus, there is DNA (type of nucleic acid)
DNA: provides instructions for making proteins. DNA is made of 2 strange held together by hydrogen bonds
2) important protein in muscles are myosin - use energy to change change.
when all myosin change together, it causes muscle cell to get shorter - (muscle contractions). energy for myosin movement comes from breaking down glucose (sugar) - when glucose breaks
muscle contractions: tightening, shortening muscle during some kind of activity, typically happens when you hold or pick up something.
why is learning chemistry necessary for physiology
everything in body is molecules interacting with one another
ex) skeletal muscle cell
1) within the skeletal muscle cell, there is a nucleus (controls the activities of the cell).
within the nucleus, there is DNA (type of nucleic acid)
DNA: provides instructions for making proteins. DNA is made of 2 strange held together by hydrogen bonds
2) important protein in muscles are myosin - use energy to change change.
when all myosin change together, it causes muscle cell to get shorter - (muscle contractions). energy for myosin movement comes from breaking down glucose (sugar) - when glucose breaks
muscle contractions: tightening, shortening muscle during some kind of activity, typically happens when you hold or pick up something.