Module 2 Flashcards
Name the Greek alphabet
Alpha Beta Gamma Delta Epsilon Zeta Eta Theta Iota Kappa Lambda Mu Nu Xi Omikron/Omicron Pi Rho Sigma Tau Upsilion Phi Chi Psi Omega
What was the first meeting place of the Social Study Club? Who’s home was this? Who else lived there?
421 North Albany Street
Ithaca, NY
Edward Newton
C.C. Poindexter
What was the role call of the first “informal get-together”?
- C.C. Poindexter
- Nathaniel Allison Murray
- Robert Harold Ogle
- Charles Henry Chapman
- Henry Arthur Callis
- George Biddle Kelley
- Morgan T. Phillips
- George Tompkins
- Vertner Woodson Tandy
What was the topic at the first “informal get-together”?
Plans to form a social study club
Who acted as chairman in early meetings?
C.C. Poindexter
Who were the first officers elected for the social study club and what were their positions?
C.C. Poindexter - President
Henry Arthur Callis - Secretary
George Biddle Kelley - Treasurer
When was the first banquet held?
June 9, 1906
Where was the first banquet held?
411 E. State Street
Ithaca, NY
Who was on the first banquet committee?
Morgan T. Phillips
Henry Arthur Callis
Robert Harold Ogle
What was the initial meeting day?
How much were the initial dues? Who proposed it?
Charles Henry Chapman/Nathaniel Allison Murray
How much was the initial initiation fee?
One dollar
Who were the first people presented for membership discussion?
Lamuel Graves Eugene Kinckle Jones Gordon Jones James Morton George Tompkins
Who were the first people recommended for membership?
Eugene Kinckle Jones
Gordon Jones
James Morton
George Tompkins
What was the date of the first initiation?
Tuesday - October 30, 1906
Where was the first initiation?
Masonic Hall (aka Redmans Hall, Odd Fellows Hall)
Who named the fraternity? Who did he give credit to?
George Biddle Kelley/ Henry Arthur Callis
What was on the banquet menu?
Cream Tomato Soup Salted Wafers Broiled Lamb Chops Hash Brown Potatoes Finger Rolls Peas in tubs Wild Apple Jelly Shrimp Salad Rolled Bread Olives Pickles Neapolitan Ice Cream Chocolate Cake Lady Fingers Demi-Tasse Crackers Cheese Alpha Phi Alpha Punch Brotherhood Smoke
Who chaired the meeting on December 4, 1906? Who was the secretary?
George Biddle Kelley
Henry Arthur Callis
Who was on the committee to start a fraternity?
Charles Henry Chapman Henry Arthur Callis James Morton E. K. Jones Nathaniel Allison Murray
Who was on the constitution and bylaws committee?
Henry Arthur Callis James Morton Nathaniel Allison Murray Lamuel Graves E.K. Jones
Recite the poem ‘Invictus”
Out of the night that covers me
Black as the pit from pole to pole
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud
Under the bludgeoning of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the horror of the shade
And yet the menace of these years
Finds, and shall find me unafraid
It matters not how straight the gate
How charged with punishments the scroll
I am the master of my fate
I am the captain of my soul
When was Alpha Chapter founded and at what school?
December 04, 1906, Cornell University
When was Beta Chapter founded and at what school?
December 20, 1907, Howard University
When was Gamma Chapter founded and at what school?
December 30, 1907, Virginia Union University
When was Delta Chapter founded and at what school?
1908, University of Toronto (During Eastern Vacation)
1954, Tillotson College
When was Epsilon Chapter founded and at what school?
April 10, 1909, University of Michigan
When was Zeta Chapter founded and at what school?
April 10, 1909, Yale University
When was Eta Chapter founded and at what school?
June 5, 1909, Columbia University
When was Theta Chapter founded and at what school?
February 21, 1910, University of Chicago
When was Iota Chapter founded and at what school?
March 28, 1910, Syracuse University
When was Kappa Chapter founded and at what school?
January 13, 1911, Ohio State University