Module 1A: Physiology of Ventilation (Davis) Flashcards
Maintenance of homeostasis (normal regulating normal)
What is “respiration”?
- Utilization of oxygen in cellular metabolism (oxidative phosphorylation)
- Generates most of cellular energy (ATP)
- Major product is CO2 - Exchange of O2 and CO2 between organism and external environment
Required for normal gas exchange:
Getting air into and out of alveoli
Alveolar ventilation
Required for normal gas exchange:
Between the alveolar lumen and alveolar capillary blood
Bidirectional diffusion of O2 and CO2
Required for normal gas exchange:
Transport of O2 to tissues and CO2 from tissues via blood
Perfusion of metabolizing tissue
(T/F) Aveolar ventilation, bidirectional diffusion of O2 and Co2, and perfusion of metabolizing tissue must occur in the same place, at the same time, and in the correct amounts
What generates an active signal to breath?
Central nervous system
Ribs expand and diaphragm contracts
Ribs contract and diaphragm relaxes
What ventricle pumps blood around pulmonary circulation and through alveoli over the same time period?
Right ventricle (RV)
P – denotes partial pressure of a particular gas
Subscript “a” denotes partial pressure in …
- ranges can be affected
P – denotes partial pressure of a particular gas
Subscript “A” denotes partial pressure in …
P – denotes partial pressure of a particular gas
Subscript “v” denotes partial pressure in …
Normal body systems keep arterial blood gases (ABGs) within fixed limits
- Mean Value: 95
- Normal Range: 80-110
This is …
Pa O2 (mm Hg)
- more variation
Normal body systems keep arterial blood gases (ABGs) within fixed limits
- Mean Value: 40
- Normal Range: 35-45
This is …
Pa CO2 (mm Hg)
Lower Airways:
- Trachea to terminal bronchioles
- No gas exchange
Conducting Zone
Lower Airway:
- Repiratory bronchioles to alveolar saccules
- Site of gas exchange
Respiratory Zone
Alveoli – gas interface
- Synthesize pulmonary surfactant
- Divide to replace damaged ATI cells
These are …
Small numbers of alveolar type II (ATII) cells
Mechanisms of gas movement:
- Non-random movement from high total pressure to low total pressure
- Movement of air into and out of lungs during ventilation
- Total pressure of alveoli (PA) < total atmospheric pressure (Pa) on inspiration
Bulk Flow
Mechanisms of gas movement:
- Random movement from high partial pressure to low partial pressure
- Dependent on the composition of gas
Factors that determine PA CO2:
- Decreased V’A (hypoventilation) will increase PACO2 as less fresh air dilutes CO2 entering alveoli from blood
This is describing …
Rate of alveolar ventilation
Determinants of lung volume:
- Lung volume (VL) depends on …
- Pressure difference between inside and outside lungs (given relative to inside of lungs)
Transpulmonary pressure (PTP)
- PTP + PA - PIP (intrapleural fluid pressure)