MODULE 14 -Inferring Patterns and Themes from Data in Research Flashcards
What is the other way to find themes where you have to look for local
terms that may sound unfamiliar or are used in unfamiliar ways
Indigenous Terms
It is a technique in identifying the data that is based on the idea that
themes represent the ways in which texts are either similar or different
from each other
compare and Contrast
It refers to the technique in identifying data that can be analyzed
formally and informally.
Word Repetitions
This phase involves generating brief labels that identify important
features of the data that might be relevant to answering the research
It is the final phase involves weaving together the analytic narrative and
data extracts and contextualizing the analysis in relation to existing
Writing – up
It is a technique of identifying themes where searching interviews for
evidence of social conflict, cultural contradictions, informal methods of
social control, things that people do in managing impersonal social
relationships, methods by which people acquire and maintain achieved
and ascribed status, and information about how people solve problems.
Social Science Queries
It refers to the technique of identifying themes that is based on a simple
observation. If you want to understand a concept, then look at how it is
used. In this technique, researchers identify key words and then
systematically search the corpus of text to find all instances of the word
or phrase.
It is the phase that involves reading and re-reading the data, to become
immersed and intimately familiar with its content.
Familiarization with the data
The phase involves developing a detailed analysis of each theme,
working out the scope and focus of each theme, determining the ‘story’
of each. It also involves deciding on an informative name for each theme.
Defining and naming themes