Module 13 - Impairment Of Financial Assets Flashcards
Impairment model used
Expected credit losses - recognise impairment before it occurs
Financial Assets at FVTPL and FVTOCI
Subsequent measurement at fair value reflects any impairment therefore no adjustment is required
Financial assets at amortised costs
Risk of default exists and is not reflected in measurement basis therefore guidance exists
Credit loss=
PV contractual cash flows due to entity - PV cash flows entity expects to receive
Present value of all cash shortfalls
Lifetime ECL
ECL that result from all possible default events over the expected life of a financial instrument
12 month ECL
Portion of lifetime ECL that result from default events on a financial instrument possible within 12 months after the reporting date
Impairment loss double entry
DR SPL - impairment loss
CR Loss allowance
Loss allowance for ECL on financial asset recognised (2)
At initial recognition
Each subsequent reporting date
Loss allowance =
Allowance for expected credit losses on financial assets
Initial 12 month expected credit losses may be
Subsequent reporting dates - stage 1
No significant increase in credit risk > recognise 12 month ECL > effective interest calculated on gross financial asset
Subsequent reporting dates - stage 2
Significant increase in credit risk > recognise lifetime ECL > effective interest calculated on gross financial asset
Subsequent reporting dates - stage 3
Objective evidence of impairment > recognise lifetime ECL > effective interest calculated on net financial asset
Net financial asset =
EIR % x (carrying amount - loss allowance)
Rebuttal presumption credit risk financial asset
Increases significantly when contractual payments are > 30 days due
Objective evidence of impairment (3)
- significant financial difficulty
- breach of contract such as default
- becoming probably that the borrower will enter bankruptcy
To find present value
Cash amount / (1 + EIR^years elapsed)
12 month ECL =
Lifetime ECL x probability of default within 12 months
Lifetime ECL =
Lifetime ECL x probability of default in lifetime
Asset derecognised when (2)
- rights to cash flows from the assets have expired
- substantially all the risks and rewards associated with the asset have been transferred
Where asset doesn’t qualify for derecognition, proceeds received on transfer are
Recognised as a financial liability
Gain or loss on financial asset =
Consideration received - carrying amount
Financial assets classified as FVTPL/ FVTOCI at derecognition
Remeasured to fair value prior to derecognition
Gain or loss on financial liability
Carrying amount - consideration paid
Convertible debt double entry - on conversion
DR Convertible debt
CR Share capital
CR Share premium
Convertible debt double entry on redemption
DR Convertible debt
CR Bank
Convertible debt double entry after conversion or redemption
DR Reserve for convertible debt
CR Retained earnings
Financial liability gain/ loss double entry
DR financial liability
CR bank
DR SPL - loss/ CR SPL - gain
Financial asset gain/ loss double entry
DR bank
CR financial asset
CR SPL - gain / DR SPL - loss