Module 12 Flashcards
is a method for doing or making something and consisting of a goal and a course of action. It should specify, at a minimum, what you will do, how will you do I, and by when will you’ll get it done
This covers five years or more. The time span varies from one organization to another It covers
expansions, development of top managers, large issues of new stocks and bonds, new service development, and new plant construction. Strategic planning begins with an organization’s mission.
Long range planning
is more subject to change, covering a period of one year to five years. It is a general guideline derived from an organization’s strategy. Relevant on a day-to-day basis for middle and first-line managers.
Intermediate range planning
are the expected or desired outcome of a planning process, usually broad general expressions of the guiding principles and aspirations of a community.
indicates the company’s “dream”; what it aims to become in the future, “what we want to become.”
identifies the company’s reason for existence, “who are we.”
involves identifying alternative courses of action that can be implemented if and when the original plan proves inadequate because of changing circumstances.
Contingency plan
team members make rapid suggestions on how to achieve a certain goal or targets
is concerned with what the lower-level units within each division must do, how they must do it, and who is in charge at each level. Tactics are the means needed to activate a strategy and make it work.
Tactical Plan
Planning Process/ Steps in Planning (in order)
- Identification of Opportunities & Threats
- Evaluation of present situation
- Setting goals and objectives.
- Determining Planning premises
- Evaluating Alternatives
- Programming
- Budget Preparation
1-6 Planning Methods and Tools
- Brainstorming
- Comparison matrix
- Force-field analysis
- Problem Trees
- Role Playing
- SWOT (Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats)
1-10. Plans classified according to scope includes?
- Objectives
- Policies
- Procedures
- Rules
- Programs
- Forecast
- Strategies
- Budget
- Schedules
- Projects
1-5. Decision-Making Tools and Techniques
- Cost-benefit
- Feasibility study
- Market research
- SWOT Analysis