MODULE 11: UNIT 4 Defined Contribution Pension Plan Flashcards
Defined Contribution Pension Plan
- where contributions into the plan are based on a specific formula and the sum of accumulated contributions and earnings, credited to a plan member, is used to purchase a pension at retirement
- Requires employer contributions & employee contributions
- allocated specifically to each plan member where the member’s funds are held and earn an investment return
Plan Fit
- resulting benefits from the plan are dependent upon the total contributions and investment performance of the plan’s assets
- Other types of defined contribution plans include a Profit Sharing Pension Plan (PSPP), a Deferred Profit Sharing Plan (DPSP) and a Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP)
- Inherent characteristic: plan member assumes responsibility for the investment risk
- May be based on a fixed percentage of pensionable earnings
- Fixed dollar amount or specified amount on years of service or hours worked
Contributions: Integration with Government Benefits
-integrated contributions often means reducing the pension plan’s contribution rate by the CPP contribution rate on the pensionable earnings up to the YMPE
Contributions: Investment Selection
it is the sum of the contributions and investment earnings that will later be used to purchase a retirement income
Contributions: Maximum Contributions
- Minimum annual contributions of 1% by the employer
Limit for 2006 is lesser of:
- 18% of earnings
- $24,270
Benefits: Entitlement
-refers to the value of the funds accumulated within the pension plan to which one is legally entitled, under various circumstances
There are a number of occasions when it is necessary to communicate a member’s benefit entitlement under a registered pension plan:
- Employment Termination
- Retirement
- Death
- Termination of the pension plan
Benefits: Benefit Calculation
There is no restriction on the maximum pension that may arise under a defined contribution pension plan
Benefits: Comparison (Defined Benefit vs Defined Contribution)
In a defined contribution plan, investment earnings in the early years have the greatest effect on the eventual pension, since investments compounded over a long period of time directly impact the total asset accumulation under the plan
Benefits: Defined Contribution Plan – Pension Projection
Calculated using the time value of money calculations and some basic assumptions
Retirement: Normal Retirement
- age 65
- incorporate a joint and survivor form of pension
- With spousal permission to opt out of the minimum requirement, the plan member is free to select an annuity, which may include:
- -Life Income Annuity
- -Life Annuity with a Guaranteed Period
- -Joint and Survivor
- -Joint and Survivor Option with a Guarantee Period
Retirement: Early Retirement
A defined contribution plan usually includes a minimum prescribed age at which a plan member may draw a pension from the plan, which is commonly set at age 55
Retirement: Bridging Benefits
- The Act permits bridging benefits for money purchase plans with no limit as to the amount
- the benefit must cease by the end of the month following the month of the member’s 65th birthday
- not normally part of a defined contribution plan, but can be used as a supplemental benefit
Retirement: Postponed Retirement
- no later than age 71
- potential that the pension will be larger than normal retirement age
Retirement: Termination of Employment
Upon termination of employment before retirement, the member of a defined contribution plan is entitled to the current value of his own contributions
a plan member is usually entitled to the following options:
A lump-sum payment of any funds that are not vested or locked-in by law
Transfer of the assets to another registered pension plan, if allowed by both the transferring and receiving plans
A deferred life annuity commencing before the end of the year the employee reaches age 69
A lump-sum transfer to a locked-in RRSP or locked-in retirement account (LIRA)
A lump-sum transfer to a life income fund (LIF), or, if allowed in the jurisdiction, a life retirement income fund (LRIF)
Retirement: Pre-Retirement Death
-There is no uniformity in the standards applied to pre-retirement death benefits across the various jurisdictions
Retirement: Post-Retirement Death
the form of pension originally selected at retirement will determine what benefits, if any, will be payable subsequent to the member’s death
Retirement: Relationship Breakddown
The division of pension assets upon marriage breakdown crosses pension and family law
Income Tax Implications: Contributions
- Tax deductible business expense for employer
- not taxable benefit to employee
- employees contributions are tax deductible
Income Tax Implications: Benefit Payout
- Amounts paid out to employees on a periodic basis are generally fully taxable to the recipient
- amounts paid out to employees on a periodic basis are generally taxable to the recipient
Income Tax Implications: RRSP Contribution Room
The value of the benefits earned under a registered pension plan is approximated by the “Pension Adjustment” (PA), which is subtracted from the RRSP contribution room for the plan member
-Contributions made into a pension plan directly affect the pension plan member’s RRSP contribution room
RRSP 10% x prior TKS income to a max $25,300 (2016)
$100,000 x 18% = $18,000
$18,000 - $10,000(pension adjustment) = $,8000