Module 11 Flashcards
The process involved in the ingestion, digestion, absorption, and use of foods and fluids by the body is called __________.
The process involved in the ingestion, digestion, absorption, and use of foods and fluids by the body is known as __________.
Nutrients are grouped into _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____.
fats, carbs, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and water.
What tool is helpful in choosing what food types and amounts to eat?
Which tool helps balance calories and can aide you identifying what foods to increase or decrease?
Do residents have the right to choose what foods they want to eat?
If a resident wants to eat donuts and soda every day, are they allowed to, and what should be your response and action to this scenario?
Yes, due to informed consent, the resident has the right to eat what they want. However, it is the CNA’s responsibility to reinforce & encourage the assigned diet to the resident and report to the nurse if the resident continues to refuse to follow their assigned diet.
__________ is a unit of measurement for food.
__________ are broken down into blood glucose.
Carbs consist of _____, _____, and _____.
sugars, starches, and fiber
Which of the following is incorrect?
Fiber helps:
A. lower cholesterol
B. regulate blood sugar
C. give you energy
D. aid in digestion
E. regulate bowel movements
C. Fiber DOES NOT help give you energy.
_____ are basic building blocks of cell that are composed of amino acids.
__________ make up muscle and blood components & help keep other organs working properly.
Good sources of protein include?
meat, poultry, seafood, eggs, nuts & seeds, legumes, etc.
__________ fats are found in cold-water fish, nuts, and plant matter.
__________ fats are found in meat, dairy products, coconut oil & palm oil
True or False:
Vitamins and Minerals are found in the earth.
False. Only minerals are found in the earth, Vitamins are found in animals and plant matter.
True or False: Vitamins are found in animals and plant matter.
Name the vitamins that are water-soluble.
B vitamins and Vitamin C, Niacin, Folic Acid
Name the vitamins that are fat-soluble.
A, D, E, K
True or False: Hypervitaminosis can result from taking in too many water-soluble vitamins.
False. Hypervitaminosis occurs from taking in too many FAT-soluble vitamins.
True or False: Hypervitaminosis can result from taking in too many fat-soluble vitamins.
Water makes up about ___% of the human body.
__________ helps regulate body temperature, transports nutrients & wastes.
Residents who have or have had conditions like heart failure, kidney failure, dialysis, or edema may be put on a diet which restricts __________.
fluid intake
True or False: Ice cream is not a fluid because it is eaten as a solid.
False. Fluids are anything that is liquid at room temperature.
While calculating fluid intake, you should remember that _____ oz = _____ mL = _____ cc
1 oz = 30 mL = 30 cc
True or False: To stay healthy, the amount of fluid intake should be equal to or more than the fluid output.
False. The fluid intake and fluid output should be equal.
A consequence of higher fluid intake in comparison to fluid output is _______, where body tissues swell up.
Higher fluid output in comparison to fluid intake causes __________.
When talking diets, what does NPO mean or stand for?
Nothing By Mouth, meaning the resident cannot take any food or drinks by mouth.
Adults should consume __ to __ servings of grains per day.
6 to 8 servings
Adults should consume about __ cup(s) of fruits per day.
Adults should consume __ to __ cups of vegetables per day.
2 to 3 cups
Vegetable categories include: _____, _____, _____, ______ & ______, and ______.
dark green leafy, orange, starchy, dried beans & peas, other.
True or False: Legumes like lentils and split peas are considered vegetables.
Adults should consume about __ serving(s) of dairy per day.
3 servings
True or False: Dairy products ONLY include products that have still retained calcium content after processing.
Adults should consume about __ to __ ounces of protein per day.
5 to 6 ounces
Which of the following diets is recommended for all adults and children, and includes eating vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts, low-fat dairy, lean protein, fiber, foods rich in potassium, magnesium, calcium, and foods & drinks with no added sugar?
DASH diet
Which of the following diets considers all carbohydrates consumed and restricts them based on an individualized plan developed by a registered dietician?
Diabetic diet
True or False: When caring for a resident with diabetes, the CNA must check the resident’s blood sugar before they begin to eat.
False. Blood sugar levels must be checked by the nurse, not the CNA.
What is the difference between hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia?
hypoglycemia is low blood sugar
hyperglycemia is high blood sugar
Residents who have conditions like kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, or edema may be put on a diet which restricts __________.
Residents who have conditions like heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, or history of heart attack or stroke may be put on a diet which restricts __________.
A __________ diet is necessary for residents with celiac disease.
True or False: Gluten-free diets eliminate all grains except rice.
Mechanically altered diets include all the following except:
*Cut-up diet
True or False: Thickened liquids include watery, nectar, honey, and pudding consistencies.
False. Does NOT include watery.
True or False: Post-surgical residents must move progressively and at their own pace through NPO, clear liquid, soft/bland till reaching normal diets.
Which characteristics belong to Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) and which belong to Enteral Feeding?
*resident must be seated or in Fowler’s Position
*contains necessary vitamins & minerals, usually given at same time as lipids
*used when GI tract needs rest; is temporary
*special formula given via tube that is surgically implanted into the stomach
*given continuously or in a bolus every several hours
*nutrient solution is given through a catheter inserted into the vein; nutrients don’t enter GI tract
*contains necessary vitamins & minerals, usually given at same time as lipids
*used when GI tract needs rest; is temporary
*nutrient solution is given through a catheter inserted into the vein; nutrients don’t enter GI tract
Enteral Feeding:
*resident must be seated or in Fowler’s Position
*special formula given via tube that is surgically implanted into the stomach
*given continuously or in a bolus every several hours
What is gavage?
The process of giving a tube feeding.
To reduce risk of aspiration during tube feedings, maintain __________ Position after the feeding and avoid the __________ Position.
maintain Fowler’s Position and avoid the Side-Lying Position
True or False: It is the CNA’s responsibility to only assist the nurse with tube feedings but the Nurse’s responsibility to insert the feeding tube.
False. In California, CNA’s are not allowed to assist with tube feedings.