Module 10: Lesson 6 - PPP grammar lesson for YL Flashcards
What are the typical stages and timing of each for a PPP lesson for young learners?
Warmer stage: 5 minutes (elicit without correction)
Presentation: 10 minutes (mime / gesture with correction as you go / explain focus of lesson / explain forms)
Practice: 15 minutes (split class for practice / task matching pictures / gap fill / group feedback)
Production: 25 minutes (most important part / split class / boardgame task / use language learned / write 5 examples)
Filler: 5 minutes (for learners who finish early / lesson finishes early)
What forms of self-appraisal can I use with younger learners?
Traffic light
Red - I don’t understand
Amber - I can understand a little
Green - I understand everything
Smiley faces
One smiley face, one sad face, and one confused face.
Students then circle the face corresponding to how they feel about the topic or the lesson.
Percentages or numbers
They can self-evaluate on a visual chart in the classroom. The teacher gives each learner a laminated name or picture and they have to place it on the number or percentage grid according to their understanding.