Module 1 terminology Flashcards
Fairy Tale
-little mermaid
-story intended for children, features fanciful and wonderous characters
-events and actions that contribute to the intended effects of a narrative or dramatic work
Elements of Plot
Exposition: conflict arises
Rising Action: complications arise from conflict increase
Climax: conflict reaches moment of crisis
Falling Action: circumstances turn against the hero again
Denouement: catastrophe or conclusion -plot wrapped up
person, place, thing
an action word -falls
a verb form with an ing ending- functions as a noun -running, doing
Visual Imagery
language used to denote a mental picture
time and place at which action of narrative transpires
Subject + Verb + Object
subject: what is performing the verb
Verb: what the subject is doing
object: what the subject is acting upon
the comparison of one thing with another using the words like or as
a comparison that describes one thing in terms of another without drawing attention to that comparison by using like or as
Parts of Metaphor or Simile
tenor: true subject
vehicle: term used to depict idea
grounds: common associations between tenor and vehicle
binary System
-system in which a pair of things or concepts have completely opposite meanings
-good or evil, right or wrong
ascription of uniquely human qualities given to nonhuman animals or deities (gods, angels)
-in 15 Dogs, how to love bats, old Cicada
attribution of human qualities to inanimate objects
-description of abstract quality as though it were a person
Independent Clause
A clause that:
has a subject, has an active verb, expressed a complete thought
-presentation of an interpretation based on evidence
Coordinating Conjunctions
words that connect 2 equal units to each other
FANBOYS: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so
-join subjects, objects, independent clauses
Deductive Reasoning
moves from general principles to conclusions about specific qualities
Inductive reasoning
moves from specific info/ examples to more general conclusions
Dependent Clause
a group of words that:
has a subject, has a verb, does not express a complete thought
-cannot form a complete sentence
-may appear before independent clause
Sentence Fragment
a grammatical error in which a sentence does not contain an independent clause
Comma Splice
a grammatical error in which two independent clauses are joined using only a comma
Runon Sentence
a grammatical error in which two independent clauses are joined without the use of punctuation
show possession, boat’s engine, lawyer’s speech
Hint Fiction
max 25 words
-poetry or prose
max 300 words
-compare titles
a casual reference in literature to a person, place, event, or another passage of literature without explicit identification
-In Aniskohocikan
Joining Clause
-begin with dependent clause, place comma at end before starting next clause
-no punctuation s required when start with independent and move to dependent
-joining 2 independent requires comma, but also coordinating junction