Module 1 (RMP) Flashcards
What is a Risk Management Plan?
An RMP is a set of pharmacovigilance activities and interventions designed to identify, characterize, prevent or minimize risks relating to a medicinal product, including the assessment of the effectiveness of those activities and interventions.
In the US, does the FDA require the submission of a RMP?
No, it does not require it. Instead the FDA may request a REMS, a risk management activity.
Are there other countries/regions beside the EEA that require RMPs?
Yes, many countries outside the EEA require RMPs, including Switzerland, Australia, Canada and Brazil.
What format can we use to create the EU RMP?
The EU RMP Template - provided by the EMA - is mandatory.
Is there a difference between the Core and EU RMP for the same product?
Yes, there may be. The Core RMP represents the company position and the EU RMP is approved by the CHMP.