Module 1 Practice Questions Flashcards
A G1P000 @ 32 4/7 weeks has been seeing the nurse midwife. She calls the office shortly after her vehicle was hit from behind and asks to speak to you because she doesn’t know what she should do next. She notifies you that she was in the passenger seat, and that she did not hit the dashboard. Her seatbelt was on. She is a little sore, but “nothing too serious right now”, and she doesn’t want to go to the hospital unnecessarily. What are you most concerned about:
Her risk of abruption
As the nurse midwife, what is the best advice to a prenatal patient who has just suffered abdominal trauma?
“It is important that you be evaluated at the hospital. I will order an ultrasound to evaluate your baby and the placenta.”
A nurse-midwife is reading an ultrasound report and notices that the vessels within the umbilical cord lie across the cervical os?
Vasa Previa
A patient at 22 2/7 weeks gestation has had an uncomplicated prenatal course up until this point. She recently had her anatomy ultrasound performed, and today, she presents for routine prenatal care and follow-up. She is very concerned about her results because, “The technician said that I had placenta previa. I heard that is bad! What does that mean?” How should the CNM describe placenta previa?
“Placenta previa occurs when the placenta either partially or completely covers the cervical opening.”
After reviewing the ultrasound report, the CNM discovers that there is actually a low-lying placenta. The patient is relieved that she does not have a previa, but is still unsure of how these results affect the pregnancy. How should the CNM counsel a patient with placenta previa?
“You are at low risk risk for a placenta previa, and I suggest we repeat the ultrasound at 28 weeks to reassess the placental placement.”
What is the difference between:
Consultation - communication with the physician where the CNM retains primary care of the individual
Collaboration - the CNM and MD care for the individual together
Referral - the CNM transfers the individual’s care to the MD
A individual at 36 0/7 weeks gestation arrives via ambulance to the L&D triage unit reporting sudden onset of severe abdominal pain and heavy vaginal bleeding. The EMT reports that her initial vitals were 140/92 and HR 105. On examination, her BP is now 100/50 with a HR of 115. Her abdomen is very tender and hard. Contractions are noted every 2min that last 60 sec. FHT’s are Category II with minimal variability and recurrent late decelerations. What is the nurse-midwife’s assessment?
Placental abruption
A G4P3003 at 36 weeks gestation, arrives via ambulance reporting sudden onset of severe abdominal pain and heavy vaginal bleeding. The EMT reports that initially her BP was 180/100, P 110. On examination, her BP is 90/50, HR 120. She is writhing in pain and will not allow you to touch her abdomen. Her contractions are q 2min x 60 sec. FHT’s are Category II with minimal variability and recurrent late decelerations. What is the CNM’s initial management?
Begin fluid resuscitation, continuous fetal monitoring, and notify physician
A patient presents to the office concerned about low milk supply, and she is returning to work soon. The nurse-midwife feels that Peggy needs a lactation consultant; however, the next available appointment is not for another 2 weeks. The nurse-midwife decide to speak with the physician. This is an example of:
Physician consultation
An individual’s 28 week lab results reveal a platelet count of 115,000/μL with no other abnormalities. Today, her BP is 110/60, urine protein negative. She denies any family history of low platelets and denies a history of easy bruising or bleeding. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Gestational Thrombocytopenia
T/F: A diagnosis of gestational thrombocytopenia may possibly result in adverse outcomes for the patient and her baby.
An exhausted patient arrives to the hospital in labor after several days of prodromal labor. Her cervical exam is 5 cm/90%/ -1 with intact membranes, vertex presentation, and contractions are every 2 min. FHTs are Category I. Two hours after admission, the RN reports that her cervix has not changed. She is visibly exhausted and in pain, and the CNM is concerned that this is hindering her dilatation. She requests something for pain. What is the best response from the nurse-midwife?
“There are several pain management options that are available at this point in your labor. Let me describe the different options with their advantages and disadvantages for you to choose from, depending on your preference.”
A complete blood count (CBC) reveals a hemoglobin of 10.4 g/dL, hematocrit of 31%, platelet count of 115,000/L. Vital signs are BP 116/78, HR 84, R 16. Urine has trace protein and negative glucose. Physical exam shows her skin intact and free of bruises. She denies a history of gum bleeding. As the nurse midwife, what is the best diagnosis (Dx) and management plan (P)?
Dx: Gestational thrombocytopenia and anemia; P: draw ferritin and RBC indices for additional evaluation.
Tiffany is a 24 year old G2P1001 who was diagnosed with G6PD after the birth of her first son who suffered from hyperbilirubinemia within the first 24 hours of birth. Her 20 week US indicates that she is carrying a baby girl.
She asks how she got G6PD. How would you counsel her?
What ethnic groups are at risk for G6PD?
What is the treatment for G6PD?
Cause: X-Linked genetic disease. Rarely symptomatic in women
Ethnic Groups: Mediterranean descent and African descent
Treatment: Avoid oxidative agents (sulfa, macrobid, NSAIDs, methylene blue, legumes)
Four weeks later at her follow-up OB visit, you diagnose Tiffany with a urinary tract infection. She has G6PD deficiency and no known drug allergies. What medication is most appropriate to treat Tiffany?
Keflex (Cephalexin)
Avoid Sulfa (like bactrim) and macrobid
Simone is a 21 year old African American G1P0 at 10 weeks. As part of her prenatal labs, you decide to order a CBC and electrophoresis with her consent. Her electrophoresis reveals HbAS. Subsequent partner testing reveals that he is AA. Based on this finding, what will the nurse midwife’s management include?
Explain the potential for fetal trait inheritance.
HbAS=sickle cell trait
Tina presents for her initial prenatal labs at 8 weeks. Her labwork results are below. What condition do you suspect?
WBC: 10.8, RBC: 2.62, RDW: 15.1, Hgb: 9, Hct: 29, MCV: 70
Iron deficiency anemia
The results of a patient’s 28 week labs are below. What would be the best management?
WBC: 10.8, RBC: 2.62, RDW: 15.1, Hgb: 9, Hct: 29, MCV: 70
Order Vitamin B-12 Levels
A G2P1001 at 37 weeks gestation awakened at 0200 thinking that she had wet the bed. When she arose she discovered her bed was covered in bright red blood and she went directly to labor and delivery. She denies regular uterine contractions, leaking of fluid, recent intercourse, or abdominal pain. OB history is unremarkable. FHT’s Category I. BP 120/80, HR 92, T 97.8. You are most suspicious for which of the following:
Placenta Previa
Key: Painless vaginal bleeding
A patient recently delivered a 8lb 8oz baby girl 20 minutes ago. After observing signs that the placenta is ready for expulsion, you apply downward traction and deliver the placenta. You notice a slow trickle of blood from the perineum. You assess the perineum, vagina, and vulva for lacerations, but cannot find any. What is the CNM’s next step?
Assess for cervical lacerations
Danielle has just delivered a 7 lb 7 oz baby over an intact perineum after an uncomplicated pregnancy and labor course. The placenta was delivered with umbilical cord downward traction after signs of spontaneous separation and appeared intact. Oxytocin (Pitocin) is running intravenously. Heavier than normal bleeding is noted and Danielle c/o feeling lightheaded. Her BP is 80/30, P 120. The midwife is most suspicious
Early PP Hemorrhage
Danielle has just delivered a 7 lb 7 oz baby over an intact perineum after an uncomplicated pregnancy and labor course. The placenta was delivered with umbilical cord downward traction after signs of spontaneous separation and appeared intact. Oxytocin (Pitocin) is running intravenously. Heavier than normal bleeding is noted and Danielle c/o feeling lightheaded. Her BP is 80/30, P 120. What management step will the midwife do?
Examine the perineum, vagina and cervix, administer methergine, notify on call MD, and empty the bladder.
The leading cause of postpartum hemorrhage is:
Uterine Atony
After delivery of the placenta, the CNM notices a steady trickle of vaginal bleeding. Upon inspection, the CNM sees a mass within the vagina and the RN is unable to feel the uterine fundus. The midwife most suspects that this is an example of an:
Uterine inversion
Key: fundus abscent
An antibody screening test reveals the presence of maternal anti-Kell antibodies. What is the risk to the fetus?
Severe and often fatal fetal anemia
An antibody screening test reveals the presence of maternal anti-Kell antibodies. Would you consult, collaborate or refer?
Erica is a 29 year old G1P0 at 8 weeks who presents for her first prenatal visit. As part of her initial OB labs, you order a blood type and antibody screen (type and screen). The results return that Erica is Type O, Rh-positive (O positive). How does this lab result affect your clinical management?
Erica will continue her normal prenatal course
How does ABP incompatibility in the newborn present?
Mild Jaundice
Which of the following scenarios warrants the administration of anti-D immune globulin (Rhogam)?
A. Cindy, a G2P1001 at 7 weeks, who is Rh negative and presents to the ER due to first trimester bleeding and threatened miscarriage
B. Rebekah, a G4P2012 at 18 weeks, who is Rh negative who presents to the ED after a motor vehicle accident
C. Joan, a G2P2, who is Rh negative and just delivered a Rh positive baby girl via spontaneous vaginal delivery at 39 4/7 weeks.
D. All of the above
All of the above
Jocelyn is a Rh-negative G1P0 with a negative indirect Coombs. She is adamant that she does not need a Rhogam injection. What is the most appropriate response?
“If your baby is Rh positive, this pregnancy may not be affected but your immune system will most likely form memory cells that can affect future pregnancies.”
What is the potential danger of elevated newborn bilirubin?
Poor muscle tone, high-pitched cry, seizures, potential death
BIND: acute bilirubin encephalopathy, chronic bilirubin encephalopathy (Kernicterus)
How can the nurse midwife best assess for hyperbilirubinemia?
Total serum bilirubin
TcB is an alternative
T/F: All newborns should be screened for hyperbilirubinemia prior to hospital discharge.
AAP suggests a follow-up visit when a baby is three to five days old to account for peaks
Some hospitals or practices may differ
John is a term baby boy delivered in your birth center 48 hours ago. He is blood type A and his mother is blood type O. The RN reports to you that, today, he has a TSB of 10 (H). He bottle feeds every 3 hours, and he voids approximately 8 weight diapers/day. Upon inspection, his skin is slightly yellow near his forehead and chin. What is your plan?