Module 1 on pharmacology Flashcards
Adverse drug reaction
An unintended and undesirable response to a drug
Clinical pharmacology
Pharmacology applied to the treatment of human patients; the study of drugs ‘at the bedside’
The quantity of a drug to be administered at one time
Dose form/formulation
Form in which the drug is administered – for example, as a tablet, injection, eyedrops or ointment
A substance used to modify or explore the physiological system or pathological state for the benefit of the recipient
An illness or disorder for which a drug has a documented specific usefulness
Drug(s) given for therapeutic purposes; possibly a mixture of drug(s) plus other substances to provide stability in the formulation; also, the branch of science devoted to the study, prevention and treatment of disease
The science of the preparation and dispensing of drugs
A person licensed to store, prepare, dispense and provide drugs, and to make up prescriptions
What drugs do to the body and how they do it
How the body affects a specific drug after administration; that is, how a drug is altered as it travels through the body (by absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion)
A person who studies drugs: their source, nature, actions/mechanisms, uses, fate in the body, medical uses and toxicity
The study of drugs, including their actions and effects in living systems
A reference book listing standards for drugs approved in a particular country; may also include details of standard formulations and prescribing guidelines (a formulary)
The branch of science dealing with preparing and dispensing drugs; also the place where a pharmacist carries out these roles
Protein structure on or within a cell or membrane that is capable of binding to a specific substance (e.g. a transmitter, hormone or drug), initiating chemical signalling and causing altered function in the cell
The pathway by which a drug is administered to the body; for example, in the oral route, the drug is taken by mouth and swallowed
Side effect
A drug’s effect that is not necessarily the primary purpose for giving the drug in the particular condition; side effects may be desirable or undesirable. This term has been virtually superseded by the term ‘adverse drug reaction’, which is used throughout this book
The study of the nature, properties, identification, effects and treatment of poisons, including the study of adverse drug reactions
cephalosporins: ceftriaxone
Angiotensin-II receptor antagonists: irbesartan
Benzodiazepenes: diazepam
local anaesthetics - lidocaine
Proton Pump Inhibitors - pantoprazole