Module 1: Enterprise Infrastucture architect Flashcards


Data Storage Planning


Corporation considers key specs that include applications, databases and virtualisation capacity and performance form. Crucial part of planning disaster recovery back up to the organisation, the recovery objective or RPO and recovery time objective or RTO in determining the recovery strategy is so compliant, which means that the company meets the date of retention and compliance requirements of the ox act Feels that it’s crucial to optimise on premises hardware use and reduce data storage costs to achieve these goals. Relies on that cloud volumes on tap and then have cloud volume service. Every organisation must ensure that their applications are always up-to-date. Life cycle management is an important part of planning and management to ensure seamless data, availability and data access. How do uses app cloud for data storage planning for activities might consider products such as formally on command system, manager, active, IQ unified manager, formally on command, unified manager and active IQ digital advisor.

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ONTAP storage architecture: Physical layer


Lowest level data is stored on discs. The discs that are most frequently used are SATA discs for capacity, SAS for performance, solid drives or SSD for ultra performance and drives ultra high performance and low latency. To support the different security, backup performance and data sharing needs of your users. You can group the physical data storage resources on your storage system into one or more local tiers, which are also known as aggregates. It’s when a local tier is created or discs are added to a local tear. The discs are grooved into one or more RAID groups within a group each other. If a disc fails, you can design and configure these local tiers to provide the appropriate level of performance and redundancy. You can use fabric pool technology to tier data with different access patterns and can deploy SSDs for frequently access data and object storage for barely access cold data, the discs rate groups and aggregates make up the physical storage layer.

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ONTAP storage architecture: Logical Layer


Storage VM that is storage virtual machines also known as SVM facilitate data access and are the logical space that you create when you enable protocols inside of storage VM. You find flexible volumes on tab flex group volumes flex group volumes are an ideal complement to the scale architecture on tap-based systems Volumes, contain file, systems, environment, lines and envy space environment and buckets in an object storage environment together. these elements make up the logical storage layer. You decide how to manage your resources depending on the input that you receive on performance and capacity requirements. For instance you might use SATA for recovery or data archival. You might use high-performance SSD for mission critical applications.

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Data resource consumers


To meet the requirements of your organisation you must understand the consumers of data resources. For example, clients, posts or applications. Each one has different requirements. When you provision monitor or protect protect resource. You must consider the requirements of the consumer.

NAS client is a consumer that uses file services to access data from a volume NAS Client data is typically unstructured, for example, home, directories, and shares on software controls the file system and maintains consistency of the data.

SAN host is a consumer that uses Block services to access data from a SAN disk data is structured data in which the LUN is a logical representation of a SCSI disk because the host controls the system. It also maintains consistency of the data therefore environments the data must always be consistent between the host and storage system.

An application as a consumer that uses either file services or block services to access application, data and application. Either unstructured data or structured data locations that Write structured data. For example, consistent between the application storage system application is using the data must always be consistent between the application, the host at the storage system.

Virtualisation software act very much like an application. The differences that the virtual software runs one or more virtual machines or containers that virtual either applications servers or desktops virtual machine on various operating systems which might intern run their own applications. Likewise, a container can run various applications, managing virtual environments can be complex, possibly involving block and file services, structured and unstructured data and various guest OS and application requirements .

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Enterprise data protection management


NETAPP offers a rich portfolio of management products with tight application integration to deliver into when data protection for snapshot copies, back up in recovery, disaster recovery and replication and back up to the cloud. Where existing third-party data protection management is preferred ONTAP offers integrated solutions with the leading software vendors. You can learn more about data protection in the on data protection, fundamentals, e-learning and data protection administration instructor lab training.

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Data retention and compliance


Data compliance typically falls into two categories, data encryption and data retention. You use data encryption to keep data private from unauthorised users while the data is either in flight or at data retention to keep data proof retention. Encryption solutions include storage, encryption or NSE, volume encryption or NVE and then aggregate encryption or NA data encryption is available for top features that copy data cluster appear. Encryption uses transport layer, security or TLS 12 to encrypt all data and transport over the wire between cluster peers and the underlying on tap features, use cluster appearing for replication of data Internet protocol, security or IP sack offers data encryption for all IP including the NFS and SMB or Sims protocols is the only data encryption option for ice for mirror software and cluster appearing encryption cluster. Appearing encryption is still recommended over IPC for secure in transit encryption over the wire, because cluster appearing encryption performs better than IP sack Snap block software is a warm offering that helps to retain data to meet compliance regulations. Worm is a data storage device in which information cannot be modified after it is written snap block software is a license feature that is fully integrated with data protection technologies, you can learn more about compliance in the top compliance solutions course Also see the security hardening guide for on top nine. The link to the guide is provided in the resources page of this module.

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Netapp Cloud Volumes


Cloud volume consist of two offerings cloud, volume on tap software and cloud service. These offerings can help acme corporation to meet its cloud strategy. Goals cloud volumes on tap is a powerful cost-effective and easy to use data management solution for your cloud, workloads the combination of AFF, with cloud volumes on tap to create a hybrid cloud environment for your enterprise applications and to manage data seamlessly across your hybrid cloud cloud volumes on tap helps to shrink your cloud footprint by using the storage efficiencies and software. These efficiencies give you the flexibility to redirect savings from your smaller cloud footprint and spend them on additional cloud, resources and cloud services to support your organisation Cloud volume is on tap efficiently manages data in AWS and Google cloud, cloud, volume service, predictable, performance, and ease of integration with cloud services, such as analytics database and other native services. The service supports cloud only and hybrid cloud environments with seamless data migration manages cloud volume service cloud volume service is a fully managed cloud. Storage solution is available for Google cloud for more details visit app cloud central link to cloud central is provided in the resources page of this module.

Netapp Cloud Volumes
- Is a powerful, cost-effective, and easy-to-use data management solution for your cloud workloads
- Is managed by using the familiar and reliable cloud volumes ONTAP data management software with its data protection and storage efficiency features

NetApp Cloud Volumes
- Offers predictable performance and ease of integration with cloud services such as analytics, database, and other native
- Supports cloud-only and hybrid cloud environments with seamless data migration
- Is managed by NetApp

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ONTAP management: which management tool would you choose?


Active IQ unified manager = Predictive analytics and actionable intelligence for your entire NetAPP environment.

Cloud Insight = A wider view of your entire multivendor, multicloud environment with advanced analytics capabilities

ONTAP System Manager = Simplified provisioning and device-level management

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ONTAP Management


You can choose to manage on tap nine software by using different management tools on tap system manager is device level management software that provides wizards and easy to use user interface UI so you don’t need to be a storage expert to manage net storage active. IQ unified manager provides data level scope and monitor cluster resources at scale. However these products monitor only on tap storage systems. If you need to monitor the data infrastructure or storage systems from other vendors cloud insights is a cloud infrastructure monitoring tool that provides visibility into the infrastructure cloud insights enables you to monitor troubleshoot and optimise all resources, including public clouds and private data centres Rest, API are best suited for automated processes

ONTAP System manager = basic, local storage devices
Active IQ Unified manager = Netapp based in data centers, clusters and multiple devices
Netapp Cloud Insight = MultiVendor (on-prem and cloud based)

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System Manager


On system manager formally on command system manager is a simple and versatile product enables you to easily configure and manage on tap-based clusters system manager, simplifies common storage tasks such as creating volumes, loans trees shares at exports which saves time and helps prevent errors you can interact with the objects in the UI and visualise the status of hardware components capacity and performance reporting are available for the entire cluster. These reports show you the data that store locally on the cluster in the cloud, the global search feature search for storage network ports, but also any actions. From example, adding volume Applications and pages for example licenses, you can keep historical performance data for up to a year with different granularity. You can download this data in CSV format for further reporting and analysis system manager provides integration with an active solution which gives software users access point for multiple information

  • Configures and managed ONTAP Clusters
  • simplifies command storage tasks
  • visualizes system health and hardware components
  • provides on-premises and cloud tier capacity reporting
  • enables global searches
  • provides historical and point-in-time performance views for all storage objects
  • Provides integration with the Netapp Active IQ Solution
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Active IQ unified manager


Demand placed on storage administrators to have zero downtime with peak performance for all clients with widely differing workload and SLA requires the kind of system diagnostics and reporting visibility that until recently have been the stuff of science-fiction active IQ unified manager provides comprehensive monitoring and active management capabilities for storage systems Active IQ unified manager is a single pain of glass from which you can manage and monitor storage performance storage capacity, VMware connectivity security configurations and overall health data of your clusters based on analytics AIQUM actively monitors on tap storage systems and provides alerts notifications and allows for one click issue, remediation or fix it. They can also analyse workloads for throughput and latency for troubleshooting issues. AIQUM provides on demand or customise health and capacity reports which could be emailed to user or group as part of the active management capabilities, AIQ, intelligent data, placement and provision of Naz and workload based on service level objectives or SOS and provides restful API for automation.

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What is cloud insights?


Inside a monitor tool that gives you visibility into your complete infrastructure use cloud insights to monitor troubleshoot and control costs. Cloud insights enable you to centralise your monitoring across an expanding hybrid IT structure cloud insights helps you to identify and fix problems by leveraging and analytics. this capability can dramatically reduce the resolution time and impact on users. Cloud provides cost control and resource optimisation across your hybrid environment. Cloud insides is a software as a service or sass, so the path to the software is minimal. You do not have to worry about updates, patching or maintenance hours. You always have the latest version see the cloud inside documentation for information on how to sign up for cloud insights.

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ONTAP REST APIs: Enables automation and intergration


What are on premises or on the cloud, small medium or hybrid organisations can use on tap API to deploy and administer on tap storage resources you can achieve key storage outcomes. Such as closer set up closer upgrade, provision, volumes, or lines. Data protection, monitoring and performance on software takes your automation path to the next level with a comprehensive set of API that require no licensing and no installation because they are natively available in on tap systems on tab rest, API, API and points, automate your day-to-day management Unified manager has its own PI for data, scope administration active IQ unified manager also provides an option to leverage on tab API pro Gateway API sample scripts available for API and python and windows, power shell.

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Monitoring and performance tools: products for the enterprise infrastructure architect


Jamaica, key technology, architecture, recommendations. Abby must understand the big picture and the tools that support business processes in this lesson that might interest, active, IQ unified manager, active, IQ digital advisor and harvest monitoring and reporting to active IQ unified manager

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ActiveIQ Unified Manager


System manager provides simplified device level management typically on a cluster by cluster basis for larger environments. With many clusters workloads and protection relationships use active IQ unified manager for improve scalability support ability performance and security data dashboard is a simplified data to discover monitor and receive notifications to proactively manage storage and quickly resolve issues The UI of active IQ unified manager consist of a set of cards with each panel having a shared set of cases, the cards represent management actions capacity, performance, capacity workload performance. Security overview click each card to learn more.

Management actions - unified manager can diagnose certain issues and provide a single resolution when available. These resolutions are displayed in this panel with a fix it button. You can fix these issues from unified manager instead of having to use on tap system manager or The on CLI.

Capacity - the capacity card shows usable capacity predictions and compression ratios at a high-level. It shows events for the most recent 24 hours in a drop-down fashion.

Performance Capacity - the performance capacity card displays the performance capacity value for each cluster average over the previous one hour. It also displays the number of days until performance capacity reaches the upper limit based on a daily growth rate.

Workload performance - when workload active management is enabled the workload performance card displayed the total number of conforming and nonconforming workload that are assigned each defined performance service level

Security - the security card provides a roll up, review of compliance at the data centre, level site level and cluster level based on a various parameters that are defined in the security hardening and guide

Usage overview - The usage overview cards displays the clusters or workloads sorted by highest eye or through put in megabytes per second when viewing all clusters you can choose to view clusters that are sorted by highest up or through when viewing a single cluster, you can view workloads on that cluster that are sorted by height IOPS or throughput

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Monitoring and reporting to: active, IQ, unified manager, events page


Unified manager event detail pages provide you with an in-depth look at any performance protection configuration on tap, risk, security health, capacity and protection event. This feature is beneficial when investigating performance advance when troubleshooting and when find tuning system performance, you can download the event management page as, separated, values, or CSV, file or a PDF you can customise any inventory view for perpetual usage across all Lowans Also any inventory view could be downloaded or scheduled as CSV PDF report


Monitoring and reporting tool: active, IQ, unified manager reports


Unified manager enables you to view customise download and schedule reports for any inventory view of your storage systems. You can extract directly from the inventory pages and the UI unified manager uses a database to store data from the clusters that monitoring data is persisted into various schemas in the database. You can use API to help manage your clusters by viewing the health capacity performance and security information that is captured by unified manager, unified manager reports can provide details about the storage system, capacity, health, performance, QOS and protection relationships. You can customise your views by showing and hiding columns rearranging, columns filtering data, sorting data and searching the results you can save custom views for reuse, download them as reports and schedule them as recurring reports to you through email, you can download reports and save the data to a local or network Drive as a CSV file, a PDF file or excel format from a particular view information provided by unified manager reports, help you in planning and troubleshooting


Monitoring and reporting tools: cloud, insight, dashboard


As an enterprise infrastructure architect can have full visibility into acme, dynamic data, setters, dashboards and widgets enable flexibility and how data is displayed. The image on the slide shows you a view of an entire net portfolio


Monitoring and reporting to: cloud insight for Kubernetes


Cloud inside has features for collecting visualising and alerting on metrics across your entire technology stack. You have in visibility into the infrastructure resources that support different applications and business units. This visibility includes comprehensive support for Kubernetes cloud insights can select extensive metrics and create detailed, visualisation and alerts cloud inside. Kubernetes provides a symbol topology view of Kubernetes clusters, enabling experts to identify issues and dependencies from the cluster level to the container and storage. You can explore many types of information by using Kubernetes. Drilldown details for the status, usage and health of the clusters, no pods, containers and storage in your Kubernetes environment.


Monitoring and reporting tool: cloud secure


Cloud secure, protect your data with actionable intelligence and insider threats protect organisational data from this use by malicious or compromised users through advanced machine, learning and anomaly detection in corporate compliance by auditing user data access to your critical corporate data, stored on premises or in the cloud, cloud secure gives central visibility and control of user access to critical corporate data is stored on premises or in the cloud, cloud, secure, replaces, tools, and manual processes that failed to provide timely, actionable, intelligence, data, access and control cloud, secure, uniquely operates on both cloud and on premises storage systems to give real time alerts of malicious user behaviour using advanced learning and anomaly detention cloud Secure protection organisation data from you, spying, malicious or compromised users cloud, secure, alert you to have normal data access by internal and external threats, such as a user that browses data that they had never access before cloud, secure Insurance corporate compliance by auditing user data access to critical data that is stored on premises or in the cloud


Monitoring and reporting tool: cloud insights


Cloud could be used to troubleshoot issues at various points throughout in infrastructure and example is when a latency threshold has been exceeded and a violation is triggered to troubleshoot you could examine the various storage networking and compute resources to track down. The issue cloud insights reporting is a business intelligence tool that is available in cloud, insights premium, edition. The reporting tool enables you to view, predefined reports or create custom reports. The reporting tool uses IBM as a foundation and gives you many data presentation options you can generate pre-defined reports from the cloud, science reporting portal cloud insights reporting can generate custom reports or areas like chargeback consumption analysis and forecasting, after creating reports you can save them and run them on a regular schedule you cannot automatically send the report results through email to yourself and others. You can customise a report output format and delivery set report, properties or schedules and email reports you can generate reports in various formats, including HTML, PDF, CSV, XML and Excel.


Monitoring and reporting tool: Active IQ Digital Advisor


As always, you start with the data because in data science, the volume velocity and variety data matter each day active IQ receives telemetry data from 100s of thousands of systems around the globe, adding to a multi lake, using predictive analytics and learning algorithms to uncover risk factors opportunities to improve system, availability and potential issue or opportunity is identified Can take immediate action or provide guidance to configuration. This intelligence is made available in a variety of formats such as webAI full featured visibility of health and security upgrades, performance, efficiency and more mobile app for on the go alert and advice API services that enable you to programmatically integrate active IQ inside directly into IT dashboards and change management workflows and new answerable playbook that can fully automate firmware updates. You can find active, IQ, alerts, and actions and cloud, insights and active IQ unified manager, the final step is to use this actionable intelligence to proactively ensure the continued health of the storage environment. Then the circular process starts again.


Monitoring and reporting to: active IQ digital advisor UI


Active IQ digital advisor. For the first time you should first create a watchlist instead of a dashboard. You can view the dashboard for a different watchlist, edit the details of an existing watchlist and delete a watchlist IQ digital advisor. Dashboard display information about the overall status of the storage system, the dashboard displays high-level information about the wellness of the system inventory planning upgrades and valuable insights at a watchlist level. The active IQ health check assessment HCA dashboard provides appointed time review of your overall environment. The HCA dashboard is available only with a Support hedge advisor or a Support edge expert Support contract.

A wellness card display information about performance, efficiency, capacity, configuration, settings, security and others. It proactively determines the systems that have either exceeded the capacity or are near exceeding 90% capacity. In addition, it provides information about software and hardware that have either expired or are sent to expire in the next six months in the wellness pain when you click the wall actions and then select the wellness history tab you can view system risks occurring in the past three months you can learn how their faring overtime. These risks are classified under four types of risks unresolved resolved and acknowledged. They are represented by different colours. The summary of these risks is represented through a risk history graph.

Inventory card provides an overview of the environment with links to system level details. It includes both active, IQ enabled products and non-enabled products you can click systems to view the system information of all platforms or click the platform type and then click systems to view systems specific to that platform only when you were at the cluster level or no level, the performance tab is enabled in the left pain of the active IQ dashboard performance graphs are excellent tools for understanding data and analyse the performance of customer storage devices. You can use this data to track historical performance data at the right time to make the right decisions. You can navigate and toggle between the tab cluster tab, the local tier tab and the volume tab in the same window

A planning card display information about the capacity, edition software and hardware that needs to be renewed

An upgrades card shows recommended software upgrades and start a new workflow that makes it easy to plan and run an upgrade.

Valuable insides provide information about the number of support cases, pending software, upgrades, storage, efficiency, savings, risks, mitigated, and others. It also proactively lists the risk notifications from the wellness review.


Monitoring and reporting to: ClusterViewer


You can analyse the wellness of your clusters and nodes by using cluster viewer in active IQ. It’s a one star source for information about the physical and logical configuration of your clusters and cluster viewer enables to see detailed physical and logical configuration information. The details are presented in several easy to view tables across multiple tabs these tabs include a summary of the cluster and node configuration, the local tear and volume information and the network interface important information. They also include a staff diagram detailing information about the discs and shelves and a few cable visualisations. You can also download the cable visualisation graphic in SVG format.


Monitoring and reporting to: Reports


The report feature in active IQ portal gives you access to all reports in the application. Take a moment to review the available reports listed on the screen you can receive reports in your inbox regularly. Either, separated values, CSV or PDF format.


Monitoring and reporting to: Harvest


Suppose that an organisation already has a rich set of tools, experience and infrastructure to monitor their data centre harvest harvest is an open source tool. The enables you to incorporate on tap monitoring in an existing infrastructure, monitoring solution, the default package, collects, performance, capacity, and hardware metrics from on tap based clusters at a data level The tool is easy to install at the modular design simplifies the addition of new collectors, exporters and plug-ins offering you a flexible monitoring tool harvest is open source and community. Supported. This enables you to develop the tool with a community of like-minded users from across the globe harvest, provides integration with industry leading source, third-party tools, such as Prometheus, influx, DB and Griff Anna. These tools also offer commercial licenses with enterprise grade features.

  • modular architecture
  • Communityu supported
  • Integration with leading 3rd party open source tools

Monitoring and reporting tool: Harvest Architecture


Harvest acts as the main entry point for the user of Holder is a process that pulls the tap based storage system for metrics and admit them to one or many databases. Each instance can have multiple polars, but each polar caters to a single on tap-based cluster consider a close-up view of a single polar. Polar consist of three major components collectors, exporters and plug-ins collectors are responsible for collecting metrics from the tap system and writing them into a matrix instance. This includes Zappy, which collects hardware and capacity metrics without any calculation or post processing and Which collects performance metrics from tat based systems using the protocol with the option to create calculated metrics units collectors, enable you to monitor harvest, polar resource usage, you can use built-in or custom plug-ins, which you can manipulate and customise collected data before you sent to the exporters, the exporter writes the metrics that are collected to an external time, series, database, or TSD, which is a Prometheus or influence DV database You can use multiple databases or add a custom database from this is known for its vet monitoring capabilities in flux. DV is more useful for event, logging and retain historical data for a longer amount of time harvest integrates with alert and enables you to create alerts that are based on predefined rules. You can visualise the collected data by using Griff Anna dashboards you can connect multiple databases with Rana to monitor other parts of the database, infrastructure and customise the default dashboard based on business needs.


Monitoring and reporting tool: Harvest features


Harvest enables users to secure their on tap connection through a password or certificate based authentication which requires minimum we access you can monitor the tap-based system in real time with a sub polling frequency, thereby enabling monitoring harvest, enables you to monitor the entire data through enhanced scalability by using purpose, Bill time series databases You can integrate custom collectors, exporters, or plug-ins with these harvest. Also provides the flexibility to choose which counters to collect, and to choose the polling frequency using custom templates. Graff Anna enables you to build out monitoring for an entire infrastructure by using many third-party source. Components, you can monitor on tap systems with other infrastructure components through a single pain of glass

Secured - access with minimal read only access
Realtime - granular monitoring through sub polling frequency
Scale - to hundreds of notes using purpose built times series databases
Customize - collectors, plug-ins, or exporters
Flexibility - to set net up on tap, counters and polling frequency
Visualise - metrics along with complete infrastructure virus, set of customisable Granfana dashboards


KCQ1 - True or False: netapp cloud, insight cabin,Kubernetes Explorer is meant only for Kubernetes expert, who know the issues to look for, and perform corrective actions before the application is affected


KCQ2 - which net app tool provides you with a wellness score that is based on the number of high risks and the expired contracts in your install base?

Active IQ Digital Advisor
Actrive IQ Unified manager
Cloud insights


Active IQ Digital Advisor


KCQ3 - which two statements about NetApp harvest are true, choose two

1 - A poller can cater to a single on tap cluster multiple Ontap clusters
2 - collectors, write the metrics that are collected to an external time series database (TSDB)
3 - you can customise collectors, plug-ins and exporters
4 - you can visualise the collective data by using grafana dashboards


KCQ4 - which net app tool uses open database, activity, ODBC and ODBC tools to access all of available objects so that you can generate a report

Cloud Insight
Active IQ Digital Advisor
Active IQ unified manager


Active IQ unified manager


KCQ5 - Cloud secure uses which Capabilities to administrators of potentially malicious behaviour?

Advanced machine learning and anomaly detection
Security log and network analysis
Restriction of client read and write operations
Monitoring of Netapp snapshot copies and Snapmirror copies


Advanced machine learning and anomaly detection


Module key points

  • on tap storage architecture uses a dynamic virtualised engine in which data of volumes are dynamically Mapped to physical space
  • Netapp has a rich portfolio of products for back up and recovery, disaster, recovery, replication, and back up to cloud, data, encryption and data retention
  • Active IQ, unified manager enables you to monitor and manage the health and performance of your NETAP ontap based storage system for a single interface
  • cloud insights is a cloud, infrastructure monitoring tool that gives you visibility into your complete infrastructure
  • You can review dashboards and generate report by using active IQ digital advisor, active, IQ, unified manager and cloud, insight to troubleshoot report and plan
  • Harvest enables you to incorporate deep on tap metrics into your self-built, infrastructure, monitoring solution