Module 1 (Descent with Modification) Flashcards
What is the theme for Darwin’s descent with modification?
Evolutionary change is based on the interactions between populations & their environment which results in adaptations to increase fitness
This word describes change over time in the genetic composition of a population.
When did the new era of biology began?
The origin of species made biologists focus their attention on what concept?
great diversity of organisms
Modified T ot F: LAMARCK noted that current species are descendants of ancestral species
False; Darwin
T or F;
Evolution can be defined by Darwin’s phrase descent with modification
According to Origin of Species, Evolution can be viewed as both a ________ and a _______.
pattern and a process
Why is Darwin’s ideas revolutionary?
The Darwinian revolution challenged traditional views of a young Earth inhabited by unchanging species
Historical Process of Science;
Who viewed species as fixed and arranged them on a scala naturae
Historical Process of Science;
This book holds that species were individually designed by God and therefore perfect.
Old Testament
Carolus Linnaeus is the founder of what two fields of science?
taxonomy and binomial nomenclature.
Historical Process of Science;
Carolus Linnaeus saw adaptations as evidence that _____ had designed each _______ for a ________.
specific purpose.
Who viewed species as fixed and arranged them?
Aristotle viewed species as _____ and arranged them on a ______
scala naturae (or natural scale)
Ideas About Change over Time;
This evidence of evolution helped laid the groundwork for Darwin’s ideas
Ideas About Change over Time;
Fossils are found in __________, which appears in layers or ______
Sedimentary rocks;
Who developed Paleontology?
Georges Cuvier
Georges Cuvier advocated the theory of _________, speculating that each boundary between strata represents a catastrophe
Modified T or F:
GRADUALISM describes that catastrophe destroyed many living species, then repopulated by immigrant species
False; Catastrophism
James Hutton and Charles Lyell perceived that changes on the Earth’s surface can result from ___________ still operating today
slow continuous actions
Explain the principle of Gradualism.
Gradualism is a geologic change that results from slow & gradual, continuous process over time.
Explain the principle of Uniformitarianism.
It is a principle which states that the mechanisms of change are constant over time
State what are James Hutton and Chales Lyell principles respectively.
Gradualism and Uniformitarianism
Lamarck hypothesized that species evolve through _____________ and the __________
Use and disuse of body parts;
Inheritance of acquired characteristics
T or F:
The mechanism of Lamarck’s Hypothesis of Evolution are supported by evidence.
Modified T or F:
Descend with Modifications by ARTIFICIAL Selection explains adaptations of organisms and the unity and diversity of life
Who published theory of evolution in 1809?
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
Who made the theory that overproducing within an environment leads to the limits of human population (war, famine, and disease)?
Thomas Malthus
What is the name of the ship Captained by Robert FitzRoy.
HMS Beagle
What is the most notable stop (name of the place) in Charles Darwin’s expedition?
Galapagos Islands
What are the differences and similarities in Darwin’s Finches?
Difference: Beaks
Similarity: Same size
Modified T or F:
Charles Darwin waited for 10 years before he published his ideas on descent with modification
False; 30 years
Modified T or F:
Charles Darwin waited for 10 years before he published his ideas on descent with modification
False; 30 years
Who published the paper on Natural Selection?
Alfred Russell Wallace
What is the mechanism for evolution according to Darwin?
Natural Selection
Darwin didn’t use the term “evolution”, he rather used “__________”
descent with modification
What is the name of Charles Darwins’ paper published on 1859?
On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection
Modified T or F:
Adaptation to the environment and the origin of new species are LOOSELY related processes
False: Closely
Modified T or F:
Biologists have concluded what happened to the Darwin’s finches was due to MUTATION
False: Adaptation
According to Darwin;
______ enhances an organism’s ability to survive and reproduce.
Fill in the Blanks:
________ of offsprings leads to ________ for resources.
Modified T or F:
If humans can create substantial change over short time, nature can change over SHORT time.
False; Long time
Key idea of Natural Selection:
This is one of the major causes that results in Differential Survival.
Modified True or False:
Individuals evolve, not populations.
Populations evolve, not individuals.
Explain Natural selection in Action in terms of insecticide and drug resistance.
- Insecticides doesn’t kill all individuals
- Resistant survivors reproduce
- Resistance is inherited by offspring
- Insecticides becomes less effective.
What are Darwin’s two main ideas?
- Descent with Modification
- Natural Selection
Why is Darwin’s view like a tree?
The history of life is like a tree with branches representing life’s diversity
This is where humans have modified other species by selecting and breeding individuals with desired trait
Artificial Selection
Darwin stated four observations of nature and from these drew two inferences. What are they?
1. Members of a population vary in traits
2. Traits are heritable from parent to offspring
3. All species are capable of producing more offspring than the environment can hold.
4. Owing to lack of resource, some offspring do not survive.
1. The more offspring, the greater chance of survival
2. Those that survive will bring the favorable traits with them
Natural selection does not create new traits, however, ______ or ______ for traits already present in a population
- Edits
- Selects
This record provides evidence of the extinction of species, the origin of new groups, and changes within groups over time
It describes similarity resulting from common ancestry
This record describes the comparison of common genes.
Molecular record
This type of evolution is where Analogous traits arise when groups independently adapt to similar environments in similar ways.
Convergent Evolution
Explain Analogous Structures.
Separate evolution of structures. Similar trait function but different evolutionary origin.