Module 1: All About Agile Flashcards
What Is Agile
Agile is an iterative approach to project management and software development that helps teams deliver value faster and with fewer headaches. There are several widely used agile methodologies, including Scrum, Extreme Programming, and the Dynamic Systems Development Method.
Product backlog
Is where the team collects all the work flowing to the team. Work is continuously placed in the product backlog from minimum business increments and from the release roadmap.
The start of each iteration
The team pulls the work they plan to do from the product backlog into the iteration backlog. This is a key point: the team pulls the amount of work it thinks it can get done during the iteration—not the product owner, team manager or stakeholders.
Iteration planning ends when
The team determines they have moved the right amount of work—that is, when they’ve pulled an amount that matches their capacity for the iteration). At this point, they start the iteration.
Agile Ceremonies
Sometimes referred to as rituals. These provide the framework for team to get work done in a structured manner, help to set expectations, empower the team to collaborate effectively, and ultimately drive results.
Iteration planning
The activity to prioritize and identify the tasks for the next iteration.
Coordination meeting
Is a regular, short meeting of the team where status is exchanged, progress is observed and impediments are noted and removed. This meeting is also known as a standup meeting or scrum.
Iteration demonstration
Showcases what the team accomplished in the iteration.
Iteration retrospective
Is a structured reflection designed to let the team learn and improve based on what’s already been done.
Product Backlog
The product is the list of work required to create a product. This is the artifact that collects all the work flowing into the team The product owner prioritizes the product backlog.
Iteration Backlog
The iteration backlog is the list of work to be completed in the current iteration, in the order determined by the team.
Burndown Chart
A burrdown chart is a graphic representation of how quickly the team is working through work items. The burndown chart relates the total effort to the total amount of work for each iteration.
User Story
A user story is a tool used in agile to capture a description of a feature from the user’s perspective. A user story describes the type of user, what they want, and why. A user story helps to create a simplified description of a requirement.
User Stories - I.N.V.E.S.T.
Independent, Negotiable, Valuable, Estimable, Small, Testable.