Module 1 - A Healthy Environment Flashcards
ACTIVITY 1 QUESTION #1 what term defines the total well-being of the physical body (including the emotions, the mind and the spirit) and the absence of disease or other abnormal conditions?
ACTIVITY 1 QUESTION #2 what term defines a desire to eat?
ACTIVITY 1 QUESTION #3 what term defines a surface that is resistant to water, chemicals, and other fluids. these surfaces are required in areas such as changing stations, playpens, cots, and sleeping mats?
impermeable surface
ACTIVITY 1 QUESTION #4 what term defines things in the environment that can be identified as dangerous to one’s health and welfare?
safety areas
ACTIVITY 1 QUESTION #5 what term defines the foods that we eat and how our body uses them?
ACTIVITY 1 QUESTION #6 what term defines the process of destroying or reducing organisms to a safe level. includes properly cleaned equipment and surfaces, such as sinks and sleep mats?
ACTIVITY 1 QUESTION #7 what term defines administration of a vaccine to make the body build up a defense against a disease?
ACTIVITY 1 QUESTION #8 what term defines to remove dirt, debris and germs by scrubbing and washing with soap (or detergent) and water. the process does not necessarily kill germs, but lowers the risk of spreading infection?
ACTIVITY 1 QUESTION #9 what term defines to kill germs on surfaces or objects by using chemicals to lower the risk of spreading infection?
ACTIVITY 1 QUESTION #10 what term defines a group of substances that produce immunity to disease in a person?
ACTIVITY 1 QUESTION #11 what term defines disease that can be spread from one person to another
communicable disease
ACTIVITY 1 QUESTION #12 what term defines procedures for getting children and staff out of a building; applied during the fire drills and any other emergency situation?
evacuation plan
ACTIVITY 1 QUESTION #13 what term defines a designated area for a child who becomes ill at the facility
isolation area
what are the 3 characteristics of a healthy environment that promotes good health practices?
1) clean work and play areas
2) proper hygiene practices
3) implementation and routine practice of a written health policy
KEY POINT #1 True or False establishing and following a written policy is an effective way of maintaining a safe and healthy child care program
what are the 3 main responsibilities when it comes to written policies regarding health practices that are essential to a healthy environment in your child care program?
1) a notebook containing policies should be accessible to all staff
2) it should have been given to you when you begin work
3) rules should be posted and given to families
how do you know if a program has a written policy?
ask! if you do not know whether or not your child care program has policies that address health issues, contact your program director it is essential that you understand and follow your child care program’s policy
what are 2 important reasons as to why having policies written?
1) to ensure parents and child care professionals are aware of procedures
2) to make sure everyone follows the same rules
following your program’s rules written health policies will help ensure what?
to ensure that the children in your child care have an environment that is a free of disease as possible
a healthy child looks healthy. what must we use to check for signs of wellness and/or illness?
we must use all of our 5 senses
how is each of the senses used to observe a child? why is it important to use more than one sense at a time to observe warning signs?
you cannot make a complete observation based on one small detain. for example, a red eyelid may not mean the presence of pink eye
KEY POINT #1 True or False the three A’s of a healthy child are appetite, appearance and activity
what are the 4 qualities in a child appetite?
1) can eat an appropriate amount of food at meal times
2) will consume a variety of foods
3) is interested in eating
4) appears content after meals and snack
what are the 4 qualities in a child appearance?
1) has clear, bright eyes
2) has clear skin
3) has age-appropriate muscles
4) gains steadily in height and body weight
what are the 4 qualities in a child activity?
1) has plenty of energy (not hyperactive)
2) is alert
3) sleeps soundly
4) has few aches and pains
Besides the three A’s what are three other things we must consider in evaluating a child’s health?
1) emotional health
2) social health
3) mental health
is a child with a short-term emotional illness or disability a child with special needs?
what are 4 examples of a short-term illness or disability?
1) ear infection vs. hearing loss
2) cold vs. asthma
3) sprained ankle vs. foot deformity
4) distressed over fight with other child vs. depression caused by a significant life event.
ACTIVITY 2 QUESTION #1 what are the 4 signs of a healthy child?
1) clear, bright eyes
2) active
3) has clear skin
4) gains steadily in height and body weight
ACTIVITY 2 QUESTION #2 what are 4 signs of a unhealthy child?
1) weepy or red eyes
2) sores, unusual spots, or rashes
3) looks tired
4) poor appetite
True or False daily health checks are a good way of preventing, identifying, and controlling illness in a child care environment?
what are the 6 signs of behavior that are needed to be observed in a daily health check?
1) general mood (unusually quiet, irritable, drowsy, or restless)
2) unusual behavior
3) activity level
4) breathing difficulties (labored)
5) severe coughing or sneezing
6) hoarseness
what are the 6 signs of face a body that are needed to be observed in a daily health check?
1) skin color (flushed or pale, dry or clammy, hot)
2) unusual spots, rashes
3) swelling or bruises
4) sores
5) discharge from nose, ears, eyes
6) eyes red, irritated, sensitive to light
what are the 5 other signs that have been commonly observed in children as a part of a daily health check
1) fever (over 101 degrees F, taken orally)
2) vomiting (all, or even part of, food consumed recently)
3) bowel movement changes (changes in color, odor, frequency)
4) pain (screaming, crying, head-rolling)
5) skin marks (rashes, bruises)
True or False is it important to remember that children’s health records are confidential?
True or False as a child care professional out job is to identify possible signs not to diagnose?
what is the correct way of taking a temperature on a child?
the use of mercury thermometers is not recommended. if you use a mercury thermometer and break it, call the poison control center immediately.
what is poison control telephone number?
True or False it is important to know your program’s policies regarding children who are sick and to be able to enforce them everyday?
True or False it is your job it help families understand the policies and the reasons they exist?
knowing the signs of illness in children is very important, but responding quickly to these signs is equally important. depending upon the type and severity of the symptom, a caregiver may do 4 of the following but not at once?
1) call the parent, and if necessary, suggest to the parents that the child needs medical attention
2) call 911
3) isolate the child until parents and/or paramedics arrive
4) watch the child closely and to be ready to discuss your observations with parents and/or avoid paramedics. your observations should be documented
KEY POINT #2 True or False it is important to recognize and respond appropriately to signs of illness in the children in your care, both for their well-being and for the prevention of illness and disease within your program?
What are the two common signs of chicken pox?
1) slight fever
2) fine blisters, first on scalp, then on face and body
what are the 6 common signs of diarrhea-related disease?
1) loose or watery stools
2) nausea
3) vomiting
4) stomachache
5) headache
6) fever
what are the 3 common signs of head lice?
1) nits (eggs)
2) itchy scalp
3) small, red bumps or sores from scratching
what are the 3 common signs of conjunctivitis (eye infection; pink eye)
1) red eye or eyes
2) discharge from one or both eyes
3) crusted lid or lids
what are the 6 common signs of common cold?
1) runny nose
2) watery eyes
3) chills
4) malaise (ill feeling)
5) lethargic (sluggish)
6) usually no fever
what are the 7 common signs of the flu?
1) high fever
2) chills
3) headache
4) sore throat
5) muscle pain
6) sneezing
7) can develop chest pain and cough
what are the 3 common signs of giardiasis?
1) parasite found in the stools
2) diarrhea bloating, abdominal cramps
3) weight loss and weakness
what are the 3 common signs of allergic reaction/anaphylaxis?
1) rashes
2) swelling of throat
3) difficulty breathing
what are the 3 common signs of RSV (respiratory syncytial virus)
1) wheezing and cough
2) blue color around lips
3) rapid breathing
KEY POINT #3 True or False responding in a correct and timely manner when a child displays a symptom of a communicable disease is an excellent way of preventing communicable disease in a child care program
the purpose of isolation is to keep a child safe and comfortable until a parent or guardian picks her up and to prevent the spread of illness between other people at the child care program. we should isolate a child if we see 8 of the following signs?
1) severe coughing
2) difficult or rapid breathing
3) stiff neck
4) diarrhea
5) temp. of 101 degrees F. or over
6) conjunctivitis (red lids or eyeballs and drainage)
7) exposed or open skin lesions
8) unusually dark urine
True or False be sure to consult the written policies of your child care program. isolation still requires direct supervision.
KEY POINT #4 True or False universal precautions is a strategy which requires caregivers to treat blood or any bodily fluid of all persons as potential sources of infection, and its care principle is that proper hygiene and sanitary conditions are critical in communicable disease control?
what are the 13 universal precautions when handling bodily fluids of any kind?
1) wear gloves
2) throw disposable gloves away after one use
3) do not get any bodily fluids in your eyes, nose, mouth, or near an open sore
4) clean and disinfect any surfaces and mops that come into contact with a bodily fluid (a common and inexpensive disinfect is 1/4 cup of regular bleach to 1 gallon of water.
5) discard fluid and fluid-contaminated materials in a tightly secured bag
6) wash your hands in accordance with CDC guidelines after cleaning up bodily fluids
7) change diapers on non-porous surfaces (usually plastic)
8) do not share personal hygiene items such a toothbrushes
9) use disposable sheaths on thermometers
10) wash linens and clothing that have become contaminated separately from other laundry. use 1/4 cup of bleach in the wash load. place contaminated clothes in a tightly sealed bag to be taken home and washed
11) do not allow babies and toddlers to share teething toys. sanitize these after use
12) teach children not to pick off scabs
13) cover open wounds on both children and caregivers
KEY POINT #5 True or False proper personal hygiene is the most effective way of preventing the spread of germs and diseases in a child care setting
ACTIVITY 3 QUESTION #1 Scenario A during small group time, you notice Charles is having difficulty breathing and is wheezing. what do you do?
1) assume this could be life-threatening
2) call Charles parents and 911
ACTIVITY 3 QUESTION #2 Scenario B at the dramatic play center, you notice Chelsea scratching the back of her head vigorously. what do you do?
1) check for lice, scabies, and/or other rash
2) if there are lice, send Chelsea home with info. sanitize dress-up clothes, carpet, stuffed animals, and all other cloth items
ACTIVITY 3 QUESTION #2 Scenario C while at the sensory table chancie sneezes into the water. what do you do?
1) ask chancie to blow her nose and wash her hands
2) change the water at the sensory table. sanitize during water changing
3) make sure all children wash their hands before and after using the sensory table
ACTIVITY 3 QUESTION #3 Scenario D later in the day the snack center is set up as a green grocery. children come with a little straw basket to select crunchy veggie for snack time. chancie is shopping. he nibbles a few veggies but then complains of a stomach ache what do you do?
monitor chancie closely. hey may be sick, or he may dislike the raw veggie and this morning sneeze was coincidental
ACTIVITY 3 QUESTION #4 Scenario E in the free art center chu-lin is helping a teaching assistant mix dry tempura powder. suddenly her face becomes red and she beings to cough. what should you do?
this was a trick question. do not mix dry tempura paint or dry paper mache in the presence of young children. there are other hazards that may occur during art projects, such as accidental ingestion, allergic reactions, and accident s such as slips, falls, cuts, etc
ACTIVITY 3 QUESTION #5 Scenario F after playing in an outdoor learning center you notice blister-like sores on chaka’s arm what should you do?
1) understand that this might be the sign of a communicable disease or illness
2) call the parents and suggest they seek prompt medical attention
3) isolate the child until the parents arrive chaka should see the doctor
4) document your observations
ACTIVITY 3 QUESTION #6 Scenario G charlotte ate very little at lunch today and now she has her head on a table, complaining of a stomach ache. what should you do?
1) watch her closely and be ready to react to further signs of illness
2) notify and discuss the signs with parents
3) if she is unable to participate in normal activities, she should be sent home
ACTIVITY 3 QUESTION #7 Scenario H chico is difficult to awaken after a long nap. he is warm to the touch, and then vomits as you lead him to the bathroom. what should you do?
1) understand that this might be the sign of a communicable illness or disease
2) call the parents and suggest they seek prompt medical attention
3) isolate the child until the parents arrive chico should be seen by a doctor
the process of cleaning and disinfecting areas and items which children are most likely to have close contact will reduce the # of germs. name some items that should be sanitized as often as possible
1) toys
2) crib rails
3) restrooms
4) diapering areas
5) drinking fountains
6) computer keyboards
7) hands-on learning items
8) teething toys
KEY POINT #6 True or False safe and sanitary food practices helps keep free of germs and disease and include using clean utensils and equipment; applying correct storage and cooking techniques ; employing clean, healthy workers; and practicing safe food-handling procedures
KEY POINT #7 True or False the administration of medication in a child care program is governed by ch 65C-20 and ch 65C-22, Florida administrative code, and must conform to other statutes regulations and procedures
what should caregivers pay attention to while administering medication?
name of recipient, dose, route, time, and date of last dose according to the child’s medication log; whether or not the medicine is in its original package: permission slip from parents with signature: and what person(s) in the program are authorized to administer medication
why is it important to ensure that caregivers administer medication properly? what might be the consequences of improperly administering medication
over-or under-dose; hindrance to treatment of condition; complications to the child illness.