Module 1 Flashcards
What is the full name of the sorority>
Tau Beta Sigma, National Honorary Band Sorority
What date was TBS founded?
March 26, 1946
Who were the founders of TBS?
Wava Banes Henry
Emily SoRelle
Ruth LaNell Williams
TBS Flag
(Insert flag)
TBS Official Colors
White and Blue
TBS Official Flower
The “American Beauty” Red Rose, long-stemmed
TBS Official Motto
Tau Beta Sigma for Greater Bands
What is the official cheer of TBS?
T-A-U B-E-T-A S-I-G-M-A Tau Beta Sigma
Special emphasis should be placed on the “U” in Tau, the “A” in Beta, and the “G-M-A” in Sigma. Both syllables in “Sigma” should be emphasized as well (Sig-ma)
Greek Alphabet
What is the TBS mission statement?
We provide exceptional service to collegiate bands
and promote equality and diversity, including
empowering women in the band profession.
We cultivate leadership, educational achievement,
music appreciation and community development.
The Eight Essentials Factors
- Physical and mental qualities of an attractive nature;
- Demonstrated loyalty and dependability to those persons and institutions deserving of it;
- A truthfulness and honesty which instills a sense of trust in others;
- A cheerfulness at all times and under all circumstances, even in the face of great trial;
- A mutual interest in the Art of Music in its performance and in the
aesthetic qualities it can project to others; - Generosity of mind, heart, and hand;
- Tolerance, tempered with kindness and a consideration for the needs of others;
- Fortitude and courage to see an ideal, to seize upon it, and follow it wherever it may lead you in Tau Beta Sigma.
The Five Qualities
- Knowledge and development of your physical powers in the quest
for good health and bodily perfection.
2. Recognition and development of your intellectual potential.
3. Appreciation for and the maintenance of the highest
moral standards.
4. Achievement of and the personification within you of lofty
spiritual ideals.
5. Cultivation and maintenance of your emotional poise under
all conditions.
TBS Candidate Pin
Represents First Degree
How do you make a motion under Robert’s Rules of Order?
Step 1: Member raises their hand
Step 2: Member makes the motion
Step 3: Motion is seconded
Step 4: President restates the motion
Step 5: Discussion
Step 6: Voting
Step 7: President reveals the result of the vote
What is it called when someone moves to
end discussion right away and vote on the
motion on the floor?
Calling to Question
What is Quorum for a chapter
meeting to take place?
2 Exec Officers and 50% of the Chapter
What is needed for a simple
motion to pass?
A simple majority (>50%)