Module 1 Flashcards
What is cloud computing
Renting Resources where the cloud provider is responsible for the physical hardware and updating it.
What types services are often available when cloud computing
Services are often Compute (server or app), Storage (files or DBs), Networking (secure connection between cloud and company) and Analytics (visible telemtry/ performance data)
What is the overall goal of cloud computing
Goal of Cloud computing is to make business easier and more efficient
What are some of the characteristics of containers
- Consistent, isloated execution environment for apps
- No guest OS, App + Dependancies packaged into container
- Standard runtime environment
- Seconds to start due to no OS to Boot or initialize
Open source project docker is leading platform to many containers
- App components can be deployed interdependently in different containers
- Multiple containers on a single machine
- Move containers between machines
- Deploy on-prem or in cloud without changes
What are some of the characteristics of Serverless computing
- Run App code without config/maintaining server
- App broken into functions - good for automated tasks
- Pay only for processing time used
- Launch within microseconds - fastest option for deployment
- Works well where app logic can be seperated
What are some of the benefits of using Cloud storage
- Cloud storage can scale to meet your needs.
- Need more storage, pay more and get it
- Sometimes storage can expand and contract automatically so you only ever pay for what you need.
Cloud computing doesn’t need to be an all or nothing approach, a gradual move to cloud can be used to save on infra and admin costs, what is this known as
Lift And Shift
What makes the cloud cost effective
- PAYG or Consumption based pricing
- Pay or stop paying for a resource as and when required
- No upfront infra costs, no managent cost of infrastrcuture
- No purchase of infra that you might not use to it’s fullest
Better Cost prediction for billing period based on expected usage
What is meant by the cloud being scalable, and what scaling models are there?
- Increase or Decrease resource based on demand.workload
- Vertical Scaling/Scaling Up = Increase power of existing server/resource
- Horizontal Scaling/Scaling Out = Adding more servers/resource to function as one
Scaling can be manual or Automatic based on triggers
What is meant by cloud elasticity
- As workload spikes and dips a cloud computing system can compensate by adding or removing resources.
- Balances functionality with cost
Within the cloud - redundancy is built in, If H/W fails another piece will take it’s place what is this known as
Cloud computing allows you to take advantage of Economies of Scale, what does this mean and how is this acheived
- Lower cost per unit when operating at scale
- Cloud providers make deals with Govts and Utility companies to get tax savings and lower cost on power, cooling, connectivity
- Cloud providers then pass savings on as lower prices than you could achieve on you own
What is meant by the term CapEx
Spending upfront, deducting expense from tax bill over time
Upfront cost with a values that reduces over time
What is meant by the term OpEx
Spend money now, billed now, Deduct from tax bill this year
No upfront cost, pay as you use for service or product
What are some CapEx Costs
CapEx Costs
Server, Storage, Network, Backup/Archive, Continuity/DR, Construction ?
Tech Personnel - not CapEex but specific to On-Prem
What are some OpEx Costs
OpEx Costs
Leasing S/W + Customised feeatures
Scaling charges based on usage/demand instead of fixed H/W capacity
Billing at user or Org level = pay based on Server H/W and usages
What are the benefits of both CapEx and OpEx
CapEx Benefits
Plan expense at start of project or billing period
Costs are fixed
OpEx Benefits
Demand + Growth can be unpredictable and outpace prediction
No investment needed to try something out
Good for unknown or fluctuating demand
Cloud services are agile (i.e. ability to rapidly change infrastructure and adapt to evolving needs to business
Dynamic management of cost + optimization as requirements change
What are the Cloud Deployment Models
Public Cloud
Private Cloud
Hybrid Cloud
What is the public cloud
Public Cloud
Most Common
No hardware to manage or update
Everything runs at cloud provider
Benefits of Public cloud
- High Scalability/Agility
- PAYG pricing - no CapEx costs
- Not responsible for H/W
- Minimal Technical knowledge required
Drawbacks of Public CLoud
- Specific security or unique busines requirements potentially unable to be met.
- Govt Policies, Industry standards or legal requirements may prohibit
- Don’t own H/W so cannot manage as you want
What is the Private Cloud
Private Cloud
Cloud Env in own data center
Responsible for purchase and maintenance.
Benefits of Private Cloud
- You define config and can support any scenerio
- Control/Responsibility of security
- Can meet strict complicance/legal standards
Drawbacks of Private Cloud
- CapEX! Purchase H/W
- Agility limitations - to scale you must buy + config H/W
- Requirement of specialist I.T. skills
What is the Hybrid Cloud
Hybrid Cloud
Mix of public and private cloud
(e.g. Website in Public cloud with Secure DB backend in Private Cloud)
Most benefits of Private and Public Cloud applies but there are more drawbacks
Drawbacks of public cloud
- Can be more expensive than only using one model
- Can be more complex to manage and setup.
What are the types of cloud services
IaaS - Infra
PaaS - Platform
SaaS - Software
Define IaaS
- Most flexible
- Most Control
- Rent Computing Infrastrcuture
- Shared Responsibility between Cloud provider (Infrastructure) and Customer (Service Config and Updates)
Useful For
- Migrating workloads - Similar management to On-Prem so easy migration path
- Test/Dev - quickly standup and teardown test and dev environments
- Storage/Backup/Recovery
- Avoid capital outlay and complexity of storage management
- Good for unpredictable workload and growing storage needs
- Simplify planning and management of backup and recovery.
Define PaaS
- Provides Environment for building and testing applications
- No management of underlying infra
- Complete Dev and Deploy in cloud
- Dev framework that developers can build on including HA, Scalability, Multi-tenant capacity reducing coding required for developers
- Analytics/BI - can mine data for insights and patterns.
Define SaaS
- Centrally hosted software
- Licensed through subscription.
- Office 356 or Skype are good examples of SaaS