Module 1 Flashcards
T represents
the index set. Normally time
X(t) is the
state at time t
S represents the
State space
Sample realisation means
one particular assignment of possible values
Independent increments means
X(A+b) - X(b) is independant of X(s) where s<=b.
Basically the next increment is independent on where we are or where we’ve been.
Stationary Increments
X(t2 + b) - X(t1 +b) has the same distribution as X(t2) - X(t1)
Basically the increments in all common time gaps will be identically distributed.
Markov Property means
Only the most recent state has an influence on the present.
Markov chain is when…
We have a markov process with discrete index set.
Homogenious markov chain means…
Transition probabilities (and matrix) remain constant.
Absorbing state
We’re trapped. We will come back to the current state next step with prob =1
When we can get from i to j. Ie transition prob is >0
if we can go i j back and forth
Irreducible matrix meaning
MC has only one class. All states communicate.
Recurrent class
We will return eventually with prob =1
return infinite times
Transient class/state
We might return eventually, but with prob < 1
return limited # times
Period =1 also called
Positive reccurance if;
- State i is recurrent
2. Expected time to return i (after starting there) is FINITE.
Ergodic =
Positive recurrent + Aperiodic
Limiting probabilties only relevant for
Irreducable and ergodic MCs.
Limiting prob is
Limit as n goes to infinity of;
Prob of going from i to j after n steps.
Stationary probability =
P(Xn = j) = π(j) for all n. Ie chance of being in state j is constant for all n.
Mean time between visits =
m = 1 / π(j)
Period, d(i)
Greatest common divisor of the n’s that satisfy:
Pr(going from i to i in n steps) > 0
Stationary prob is basically
long run proportion spend in a state.
To find stationary probs…
Solve π=πP
To find mean time in transient states
Solve S=(I-Pt)^-1