Module 1 Flashcards
Ultimate objective for finance?
Maximise the value of the company
- maximise shareholder wealth (if profit seeking)
What is market capitalisation?
Market value
How to calculate market capitalisation?
Market share price x number of shares
What is the objective of financial management in a corporation?
Maximise shareholder wealth
How are public sector bodies measured?
Subject of finance can be thought of as
Obtaining money and using that money to give maximum advantage to the organisation
What are the three key finance functions?
Management of daily financial activities
Any investment undertaken should
Increase profits in the longer term adding to the market value of the organisation
What is the cost of capital?
The cost of obtaining funding
E.g interest rate, opportunity cost
How is an investment worthwhile?
Return expected to arise must be greater than the cost of capital
Foregoing dividends to shareholders to invest the money would?
May cause shareholders to sell shares
What is capital structure?
Split between debt and equity
An increase in the debt within an organisation makes the organisation what from the point of view from the shareholder?
More risky
Got an obligation so riskier, obliged to pay interest
Working capital calculation?
Stock + debtors + cash - creditors = working capital
What is included in management of daily activities?
Stock management
Debtor management
Cash management