Module 1 Flashcards
ARE 5.0 PA Module 1
What is the definition of Architectural Programming
Architectural Programming refers to an important early part of the design process, where you identify and organize the architectural, functional, aesthetic, operational and budgetary needs of your client.
This information (often put into a written document called a “Program”) is then used to help guide your decision making process in the design of the building.
If done correctly. Programming can ease the design process and improve the final result
What four items should be considered during programming?
- Building Function
- Building Form
- Project Budget
- Project Schedule
Describe the programming process.
- Discuss the goals of the project with the Owner.
- Organize all project specific information (codes, existing site conditions, building users, etc.).
- Determine building hierarchy of spaces.
- Determine priorities of the Owner.
- Develop problem that must be solved through building design.
Name five phases that are performed during programming.
- Gathering Data: site surveys, existing conditions, desired use, building type, applicable building codes, zoning requirements, budget, schedule and project team information are all collected and organized.
- Establishing Goals: the Architect interviews the Owner to identify the primary design goals and potential issues.
- Mapping Functions: functional and spatial requirements are listed with their approximate size, important adjacencies and relationships to one another.
- Setting Priorities: the uses and functions are listed in order of importance based on the budget, including where the attention and budget should be spent
- Researching Requirements: detailed technical
requirements are collected for any required equipment,
systems, operations and performance.
If done correctly, Programming should
- Clarify the Owner’s intentions.
- Set a mutually agreed upon direction for the design.
- Reduce change orders during construction.
- Minimize disputes between Owner and Architect
- Establish a basis for resolving differences of opinion.
- Minimize redundancy from wasted spaces or poor relationships.
True or False: Programming
and Architectural Design are
completely independent of
one another.
During programming, the problems of the project are sought out and documented. During design, these problems are discussed and adequate solutions are developed.
During design, these problems are discussed
and adequate solutions are developed.
What is an aquifer
An aquifer is a layer of water flowing underground, sometimes referred to as an underground stream.
The presence of an aquifer could supply fresh water to the building, or limit the depth of the foundations.
What is a ground water table?
The layer below the surface soil when it is saturated soil. Sometimes this water table is 2 feet below the surface; sometimes it is 200 feet below.
The depth of the water table will determine the type of foundation you can use, if you will need expensive waterproofing, or if a basement would even be possible.
What is Soil Load Bearing
Bearing capacity refers to the maximum amount of pressure a foundation soil can bear without harmful settlement.
Soil types are classified based on:
The sizes of the particles of the soil.
Name 4 soil types and their
- Bedrock: 10,000 psf (pounds per square foot)
- Well graded gravel or sand: 3,000 - 12,000 psf
- Compacted sand or fill: 2,000 - 3,000 psf
- Silt or Clay: 1,000 - 4,000 psf
Name the soil types.
Gravel: well drained and able to bear loads (+2 mm)
Sand: well drained and can serve ts foundation when graded (0.5 - 2 mm)
Silt: stable when dry, swells when frozen, do not use when wet (.002 - .05 mm)
Clay: must be removed, too stiff when dry and too plastic when wet(< .002 mm)
Which soil type is considered the best to build on?
Bedrock and Gravel.
Gravel: 2mm or greater; drains well, able to bear loads.
Sand: .05mm - 2mm; drains well, good foundation when graded.
Silt: .002mm - .05mm; stable when dry or damp, not wet. Swells when frozen.
Name the four different levels of soil.
Level A - Topsoil, essential for growth of plants and takes a long time to develop.
Level B - Minerals, lies below the plants roots and supports life.
Level C - Weathered and fractured rock with little biological activity.
Level D - Solid bedrock.
What is a percolation test and when would it be used?
A Percolation Test is used to evaluate the rate at which soil will absorb water on a site. This test is necessary for septic draining or leach fields.
Can soil bearing capacity be increased? If so, how?
Soils can increase bearing capacity by: fill, compaction, or surcharging.
What is a proctor test?
A Proctor Test is used to calculate the maximum density that is required for the soil on a project site.
This test evaluates the native soils in both dry and wet conditions to determine the potential negative qualities of the soil. It is performed by dropping a hammer on a sample of soil several times and then dried for a period of time.
Define compaction and surcharging.
Compaction - compressing soils to release air trapped between the grains. Creates higher bearing capacity.
Surcharging - adding soils to a site in order to increase the weight on the soils and aid in compaction. Lengthy process could take 6-12 months.
Why is the location of the frost line important?
The frost line indicates the level where soil freezes. The top of footings should be at or below the
frost line, which avoids damage to the foundation due to moisture changes throughout the year.
Define safe bearing capacity.
The Safe Bearing Capacity is the ultimate bearing capacity of the soil divided by a safety factor of 2 to 4 times.
This ensures the site will not endure the full ultimate bearing capacity and helps to avoid structural failure.
Describe the angle of repose.
The Angle of Repose describes how soils form mounds when loose. Sand and gravel are stiff soils and will have
steeper angles of repose as compared to soft silts and clays.
Define Ecology.
Ecology is the science of the relationship between an organism or community and its environment.
The community comprises of all the living plants and animals occupying a given area.
What should you do if you discover large quantities of organic soils on a site?
This soil will likely need to be removed and replaced with an appropriate fill material. Otherwise, foundation piles would need to extend through to solid bedrock or bearing soils.
What are 6 strategies to reduce energy use?
- Install solar panels
- Increase the amount of insulation in the walls
- Use insulated windows
- Orient building to sun to control heat gain
- Install light colored roof
- Use efficient light bulbs
What are 5 strategies to reduce water use?
- Use drip irrigation system for landscaping
- Use low-flow or waterless toilets
- Use native species and drought tolerant plants
- Collect graywater from showers and laundry and reuse to water yard or flush toilets
- Collect rainwater for reuse
What is the maximum slope allowed for an accessible ramp?
Handicapped ramp slopes must be a 1: 12 slope (1’ rise for every 12’ run). 1/12 (100) = 8.3% slope
Describe how to determine the grade or slope of a site.
g = V/H(100)
g = the grade of slope
V = the rise or vertical distance
H = the run or horizontal distance Multiply by 100 to convert into a percentage.
45 degrees translates to what percentage of slope?
100% slope as rise over run is 1 to 1 or 1/1
Name 4 general rules of thumb for site grading and what they are best used for.
Less than 4% slope is considered flat and suitable for all activities.
4% -10% is moderate and requires some effort to climb or descend.
10% - 50% is steep and suitable only for limited activity.
50%+ is considered very steep and is subject to soil erosion or collapse.
Why is solar orientation important when laying out a site design?
The more perpendicular the sun’s rays are to the site, the greater the amount of solar radiation received.
It is important to note the amount of solar radiation received in order to design a building that maintains a consistent internal temperature.
What factors of sun radiation should be taken into consideration when designing a site?
Time of Day - how much sun in received on site in the morning compared to the afternoon.
Azimuth - the angle between the sun and the horizon. Summer sun has a larger azimuth than Winter sun.
Duration of Sun Exposure - sites in the Northern Hemisphere have more hours of sunlight in the summer than in the winter.
Slope of Site - ground slope affects the amount of solar energy the site receives.
How does the level of the water table on the site affect
the design of the foundation?
If the water table is located less than 6’ below the surface, this is considered high and will limit foundation design.
A mat slab or pile foundation may be necessary in order to evenly distribute the loads of the building on site.
Describe the five basic fundamentals of physics that
affect internal building comfort.
Hot air rises - Placing vents or windows in the correct location can help create cooling breezes.
High summer sun - Well positioned overhangs can shade the home and keep it cooler in the summer.
Low winter sun - The sunlight passes under any overhangs to reach into the home and keep it warm.
Thermal mass - Heavy mass materials (such as concrete, stone, brick or even water) store heat and cold. When the temperature changes, these materials release the stored temperature back into the air.
Insulation - A well insulated building is required in order
to hold in the interior temperature and keep out the outside one.
What conditions could occur if a high water table is found
in a cold climate?
High water tables in cold climates are especially problematic since water expands as it freezes. The wrong type of foundation could crack or settle if the water table freezes and pushes it upward.
What is a water table?
The level of water below the surface of the
ground is referred to as the “water table”.
Define indigenous materials.
Most sites contain materials and resources that could potentially be used in the building. Such locally found materials are called indigenous materials and don’t require transportation or import.
What considerations should be given for exterior building
Materials used on the exterior of a building must withstand the elements. Durable materials should be selected to extend the useful life of the materials. The local conditions should help determine the appropriate materials.
Describe thermal mass and its importance to building design.
The ability of a material to store temperature is referred to as thermal mass. If insulation is how a material is able to hold in temperature, thermal mass is the ability of a material to absorb and store temperature.
Since these materials take a long time to heat up and cool down, we can use high thermal mass materials to help keep the building a consistent and regular temperature.
What is R-Value
Insulation is measured in R-Value. The higher the R-Value, the more insulation value the material has.
Since materials like wood and siding have a small R-value, we typically add high R-value insulating material into the walls. The thicker the walls, the more insulation it can hold, and therefore the more R-value the wall has.
Define Microclimate.
A Microclimate refers to the specific local conditions of the site. It’s affected by the vegetation, elevation, slope, water, wind, solar exposure and any man-made structures.
How does R-Value differ from U-Value?
The insulating value of windows is measured in U-value, which is actually just 1/R-value. Since it is the inverse of R-value, the lower the U-value, the more insulation value it has.
What climatic considerations should be evaluated during
site design?
Temperature - comfort zone ranges between 63-71 degrees in winter and 66-75 degrees in the summer.
Humidity - comfort zone ranges between 30- 60% relative humidity.
Solar Radiation - lack of natural lighting in winter can cause depression.
Air Movement - breezes promote evaporation thus maintaining consistent humidity levels.
Air Pollution - natural weather patterns can magnify the effects of man-made pollution.
Define Macroclimate.
A Macroclimate refers to the general climate of the overall region
What is the difference between a macroclimate and a
A Macroclimate refers to the climate of a region, like a county or area like Southern California.
A Microclimate refers to the climate on a particular site. Microclimate is affected by bodies of water present on the site, ground slope (mountains often have more wind than flat areas) and solar radiation (north facing sites have less sun than south facing in the Northern
What are four site conditions that can affect the microclimate of a site?
Site Latitude - areas closer to the Equator are warmer than those further away.
Site Elevation - the height above sea level affects,
rain and snow fall as well as temperature.
Prevailing Winds - depending on the location, winds
on a site can impact air temperature.
Proximity to Water - bodies of water provide humidity and can help maintain site temperature.
Proximity to Mountains - mountains direct prevailing winds to rise, which cools them and forms clouds. Topography steep sloping sites can increase wind
velocity thus decreasing site temperature.
What site elements can be studied to determine the effect
of the microclimate on the site?
Location of plants and bodies of water.
Amount and location of sun exposure.
Prevailing wind patterns.
Ground surface coverage.
Describe the four different climatic zones found in the US.
Cool Zone - areas of the Northern states.
Temperate Zone - areas of the West Coast.
Arid Zone - areas of midwestern and desert states.
Tropical Zone - areas of Southern states, particularly near the Gulf.
Define Albedo.
Albedo is a measure of the reflectivity of a material. Snow has a high albedo (blinding light) while grass has a low albedo.
Define Conductivity.
Conductivity refers to a material’s ability to absorb light.
Grassy areas have low albedo levels and high conductivity. Paved areas have high albedo and low conductivity thus are often warmer than grassy areas.
How is a space heated at night during the winter if it contains thick concrete walls and floors and has large windows facing South?
The low winter sun warms the south side of the house all day. A stone or concrete floor stores up the heat. Hot air is allowed to build up by the ceiling. Stored heat in the floor and walls is released during the night, to keep the house comfortable.
Describe albedo and conductivity in relation to site elements.
Albedo: the radiant energy that is reflected by a surface where 0 is a flat black surface that absorbs heat and 1 is a mirror.
Conductivity: the rate at which heat passes through a material. Metals have high conductivity, and soils/sand have a low one.
How does proper building siting affect the views for a project?
Buildings can also be sited to create an axis to draw your eyes toward the view and enclose the outdoor space.
Undesirable views can be avoided by locating service or utility spaces to face or block them.
What is the best way to provide internal comfort in a building during a hot, summer day?
Use large overhangs to shade the house from the southern and western sun for most of the day. Inside, use a thick concrete wall to absorb heat.
What are the three primary reasons for landscape design?
- Recreation
- Circulation
- Comfort
Define a deciduous tree and name three species that fall under this category
Full with leaves through the Spring and Summer, providing shade. Leaves fall in the Autumn and expose bare branches through the Winter allowing sun to pass into a building. Deciduous species include maples, elms, oaks and sycamores.
Your project program specifies that the site must be
protected from cold winter winds. What type of tree would be best suited for this condition?
Conifers are excellent wind breakers as they retain their dense needle filled branches year-round.
Define a conifer and give two examples of this type of tree.
Needle like evergreens that do not shed leaves. Perfect when used as year-round wind breakers or privacy screens. Pines, such as spruce and firs, are the most common conifers.
How does “smart landscaping” help act as a natural heat buffer on a site?
Trees can help screen and direct winds on the site. Trees and vegetation absorb sunlight and add humidity to the air. Planted areas are cooler during hot summer
What purpose do deciduous trees serve best on a project site?
Deciduous trees are the best choice when a site requires shade in the Summer and heat from the sun in the Winter.
Name 5 ways you can mitigate disturbance to local flora and fauna when designing a site.
Designate no disturbance zones.
Re-plant disturbed areas to other parts of the site.
Minimize disturbance to natural site water supplies.
Minimize night site lighting to not disturb fauna.
Maintain wildlife use corridors throughout the site.