Module 1 Flashcards
What four methods does Neuman (2011) outline that people use to aquire knowledge?
Personal Experience and common sense: can be distorted through perception, illusion and judgement
- Common sources of bias: overgeneralisation, premature closure, the halo effect, false consensus
- From Experts and Authorities: Easily accept information from authority figures as true
- Peers and Media Messages: Distorted by level of education of source of information, bias in reporting and cultural myth
- Ideological Beliefs and Values: views shaped by beliefs are often presented as factual knowledge
How does Neuman define the scientific method?
- Science is both a system and the knowledge derived from that system.
- Theory = coherent system of ideas used to condense knowledge
- Data = form of empirical knowledge collected via science
- Empirical = evidence/observations grounded in sensory data
- Scientific Literacy = capacity to understand and use scientific method
- Innumeracy = lack of quantitative literacy
- A scientific approach is characterised by:
- Clearly defined constructs
- Theory driven research Qs
- Falsifiable hypotheses
- Valid meausurement of constructs
- Reproducible design, methods and results
- Peer review and consensus
What are the five basic norms of the scientific community according to Neuman?
- Norms are informal rules/principles/values that govern the way scientists conduct research
- Universalism: all research should be judged on merit regardless of researcher or institution
- Organised Skepticism: challenge and question all evidence
- Disinterestedness: neutrality, impartialiality, openness and receptiveness to unexpected/new ideas
- Communalism: Knowledge belongs to all, it should be shared and critiqued by all and peer reviewed
- Honesty: no dishonesty or cheating in research
What biases and non-scientific sources of information should be avoided according to Neuman?
- Overgeneralisation: Statement that goes far beyond what can be justified based on the data
- Selective Observation: Examination that reinforces preexisting thinking
Premature Closure: Making a judgment or ending an investigation before
gathering sufficient evidence - Halo Effect: When prior experience colours one’s evaluations rather than evaluating all in a neutral, equal manner
- False Consensus: assuming that everyone else thinks like he or she does
- Pseudoscience: Information with outward appearance of science that was not created with systematic rigor
- Junk Science: A public relations term used to criticize scientific research that produces findings that an advocacy group opposes.
What are the differences between quantitative and qualitative research?
What are some common research designs?
- Non-experimental: Does not involve manipulation of an independant or dependant variable
Correlational: Examining variables through interpretation of their association (no causality).
- Examine Direction, Strength and Statistical Significance (all interrelated)
- Quasi-experimental: Use pre-existing or other non-randomly assigned groups or interventions. ie a correlational study with manipulation
- Experimental: allow inference of causal relationships between variables. The exprimenter actively manipulates the independent variable(s).
What is the difference between exploratory, descriptive and explanatory research?
Exploratory: Primary purpose is to examine a little understood area and develop preliminary ideas.
- Addresses “what” questions
- Formulate and focus questions for future research
- Most uses qualitative data (surveys, interviews)
Descriptive: Presents a picture of the specific details of a situation, social setting, or relationship.
- Focus on “how” and “who” questions (ie how often, describe patterns)
- Use most data-gathering techniques: surveys, field research, content analysis, and historical-comparative research
Explanatory/Experimental: To explain why events occur and to build,
elaborate, extend, or test theory.- Testing a (usually causal) hypothesis
What are five potential errors in causal explanation?
Tautological errors: the causal factor and the result are actually the same or restatements of one another
- eg Sally is conservative because she believes in less regulation
Teleological errors: the causal relationship is empirically untestable because
the causal factor occurs after the result or cannot be empirically measured- Crime occurs because it is just human nature.
Ecological Fallacies: When data at a higher or an aggregated unit of analysis isd used to explain something about a smaller or disaggregated unit
- Country A has more motorbikes than B; therefore Person from A does.
Reductionistic errors: when a person observes a lower or disaggregated
unit of analysis but makes statements about higher units- eg Civil Rights Movement due to Martin Luther King Jnr alone
Spuriousness: occurs when two variables are associated but are not causally related because an unseen third factor is the real cause
- eg IQ causes TV vs Reading and Level of Knowledge
What is a hypothesis? What are the different types of hypothesis?
A hypothesis is an empirically testable statement predicting the relationship between 2 or more variables
- Research determines support never proof. Research is a dynamic process of generation, investigation and elimination of hypotheses.
- 5 factors of a Causal Hypothesis: 2+ variables, causal relationship, predictive, linked to theory and falsifiable.
Types of Hypotheses
- Null v Alternative: Ho predicts no relationship
- Directional V Non Directional: based on previous research either direction or not (increased X –> decreased Y)
Double Barrel Hypothesis: Poorly designed. Two IVs mean 3 predictions.
- Use an Interaction hypothesis instead
What are the different types of missing data?
- Missing Completely At Random (MCAR): no pattern in the missing data
- Missing at Random: a pattern to missingness not associated with the DV
- Missing Not at Random: a pattern associated with the DV
How to find out which in SPSS:
- Analyse -> Missing Value Analysis -> Add experimental group to categorical -> Estimation EM (chi-square)
- Look for the MCAR test under EM Means -> if p-value is significant it is MCAR
How can you deal with Missing Data?
- List-Wise Deletion: deleting the case (not good option, deletes all other data)
- Mean: Replace value with the mean of the item
Common-Point: Replace value with the midpoint of the scale
- Transform -> Recode into Same Variable -> Old and New Variables -> Select System or User Missing and add the midpoint value
Multiple Imputation (best option): Using regression to predict the response based on their other data and the group
- Analyse -> Multiple Imputation -> Impute Missing Data Values
- Options: Add all IVs and DVs into model, 1 imputation, New Data Set
- Constraints: min and max values of scale, use as predictor and impute and use as predictor
What are the four possible reasons for outliers?
- Data Entry Errors (always screen for data entry errors before anything else)
- Not Specifying missing-value codes in SPSS (always screen missing values first)
- The outlier is not a member of the population you intended to sample
- The outlier is from the intended population but the distribution for the variable is more extreme than a normal distribution
What are the different types of outliers and how can you deal with them?
Univariate Outlier: A response on DV > 3.29 SDs from the mean of the group
- Split cases: data -> select cases -> if experimental group = 0
- Analyse -> descriptive stats -> DVs -> save standardised
Multivariate outlier: responses across DVs indicate inconsistent responding
- Analyse -> Regression Linear -> Reverse IV’s and DVs -> Save MAHs distance
- MAH -> Transform -> Compute Var -> prob = 1- CDF.CHISQ(MAH_1, #predictors)
- Look for probability <0.001
Dealing with Outliers
- Check for errors in data entry
- Fix univariate outliers; Winsorizing (replace with normal score)
- Remove Multivariate outliers altogether.
What is the assumption of Normality?
- Normality assumes that the random error (residuals) are normally distributed throughout the data set (not the data itself)
- Especially important when n<200 (before Central limit theorem sets in)
- Affects Type 1 Error (false positive)
- Distributional information
- Skewness: symmetry of distribution (positive skew = clustered at low end)
- Kurtosis: peakedness of the distribution (leptokurtic = tall,slender) (platykurtic = flat)
How can you test for Normality?
- It is reccomended to use multiple methods of normality
Shapiro Wilk test: Ho is a normal distribution. If the result is significant, the error distribution is not normal
- Split the groups: Data -> Select case -> if condition satisfied
- Analyse -> Explore -> Group filter -> plots -> normality plots
Multivariate normality: no direct test in SPSS
- If each DV is normal via Shapiro Wilk, generally overall is normal
- Can run a multivariate normality test via Syntax if needed