Module 1 Flashcards
What is a Conditioned punisher
Verbal marker- (no!) used to instantly punish unacceptable behaviours. Through conditioning, “No!” Has become punishing to the dog.
Conditioned reinforcer
Verbal marker that is used to instantly reinforce the exact behaviour that you want, eg. “Yes!” and “good!” Through conditioning these markers have become reinforcing to the dog.
The experience the dog receives when it responds to a command (antecedent), eg. receives food when sits on command; receives nothing if doesn’t respond correctly.
Counter conditioning
Correcting an undesirable behaviour in the dog.
A physical movement that the handler may do consciously or unconsciously that causes the dog to respond.
The process of gradually withdrawing the use of lure, eg. fade out the food reward in heel work.
Using a motivating object such as food or a toy to encourage the dog to perform a desired behaviour.
Word used to mark the moment when the dog shows a desirable or undesirable behaviour.
Non-reinforcement marker
A verbal marker (wrong..) which is used to tell the dog when it is making a mistake
Verbal or tactile reinforcement of a desirable behaviour
Training and reinforcing small successive steps towards the direction of a final behaviour. Also known as “successive approximation”
Anything that provokes a response from a dog eg people, animals, situations, places, objects, movements.
Waiting the dog out
Allowing the dog enough time after a command is given to work out the desired response. Usually a maximum of ten seconds
The following equipment is used during general training
Collar Lead Long line Check chain Food Tug toy Dumbbell
Keep equipment clean and dry
The collar is used for control and attaching leads and long lines
Adjust the collar so that two flat fingers can comfortably slide between the collar and the dogs neck. However make sure it can’t be pulled off over the dogs head