Module 1 - 361 Flashcards
Executive branch employees may not make a gift to an official superior nor can an employee accept a gift from another employee who receives less pay except in certain circumstances or on certain occasions. On an occasional basis, including occasions whe
Section 3 of the Federal Workforce Restructuring Act requires that, “Such payments(the lessor of $_____ or the amount of the employee’s severance pay) too be paid from amounts available for the employee’s pay, and, generally, to be fully repaid if the emp
FYDP contains ____years of data, including ______.
(11)- The prior year, the current year, two budget years, four out years, and three additional years of force structure only
A key DoD principal is the Under Secretary of Defense_______, Who, as the Chief Financial Officer of Defense (CFO), acts as resource consultant and advisor to the Secretary, as well as manager and arbiter of the Defense resource management process.
(Comptroller)(USD ( C) )
In the Civil Service Retirement plan employees contribute up to _____% of their salaries which is matched compared to ______% of their salaries under the Federal Employees Retirement System.
7%, 0.8%
A Gigabyte (Gb) is about_______ bytes.
1,024 Mb (=1,073,741,824 bytes) (about 1 billion)
Megabyte (Mb) is about _______ bytes.
1,024 Kb (=1,048,576 bytes) (about 1 million)
A Constitution amendment may be rarified when approved by _____ of the States
The Federal budget represents Approximately ____ of the Gross domestic Product (GDP).
Presidential Authority to Activate Reserve Forces _________ gives the President authority to activate reserve forces.
10 USC S. 12304
If Congress is not adjourned and a bill is not returned by the President in ___ days it____.
10, becomes law as if he signed it
The CBR sets ceilings for each of the ______to be passed. The annual apropriations bills may not exceed the ceilings set in this CBR without a ____ percent majority vote in Congress.
13 major appropriations bills; 60
Title 5, USC list _____ Merit Principles.
The SecDef must receive a signed statement of material weaknesses from each principle DoD component by _______.
15 Nov of each year
Of the total of all spending, Defense discretionary account for ____ while non defense discretionary is____.
16% and 19%