module 1 Flashcards
begins with the first day of last mental period til onset of labor
number of time pregnant despite outcome
parity (para)
number of pregnancy in which fetus have reached viability
gestational age
number of complete weeks from the first day of LMP
pregnancy the had reach 20 weeks of gestation but before the complete of 37 week of gestation
35-37 weeks
pregnancy from beginning of week 37 of gestation to the end of week 42 of gestation
postdate or post-term
pregnancy that goes beyond 42 weeks of gestation
1st- first day of LMP to 14 weeks
2nd- 15 weeks to 28 weeks
3rd- 29 weeks to 40 weeks
primigravida (nullipara)
first ever pregnancy
two or more pregagncy
completed one pregnancy with the fetus reaching viability
multi para
two or more pregnancy with viable fetus
Live birth
Live birth
growth of uterus breast inhibits milk production and relaxes pelvis ligaments
induces growth of Fallopian tubes lining to nourish embryo
Luteinizing hormone
secrete estrogen and progesterone for 12 days of egg is not fertilized- if it is then placenta will take over and secrete hormones
prepare breast for lactation
stimulate uterus contractions, milk ejection
Presumptive signs of pregnancy
amenorrhea, fatigue, breast change, N/V, urinary frequency
probable signs of pregnancy
uterine enlargement, positive test, cervical change (goodell’s sign, Chadwick sign) ballottement, hears sign, skin changes lines nigra, chloasma, nipples and areola darken, Braxton hicks contractions
positive signs of pregnancy
fetal heart, US, fetal movement
Naegele’s rule of calculation of pregnancy
1st day of LMP, minus 3 months, add 7 days and one year
alternative to the calculation of pregnancy
add 7 days to LMP, count forward 9 month
viability range
21-22 weeks
What do EDD/EDC/EDB mean
due date
when is the soonest you can test for pregnancy
7 days after Missed period
When does HcG peak
2 months
Goodell’s sign
softening of cervix
Hegars sign
softening of cervix
how to differentiate between morning sickness and hyperemesis
The pt will maintain weight with morning sickness and lose weight with hyperemesis
What does the placenta do for the baby
metabolic exchange, gas exchange, blood supply, nutrient, o2, waste removal, ABx transfer, transfer of maternal hormones, endocrine function
how many vessels are in the umbilical cord and what are they
2 arteries and 1 vein (AVA)
weight gain in the first trimester
2.2-5.1 and 1lb per week
Dangerous signs of pregnancy
bleeding, cramping, lower back pain, pelvic pressure, severe N/V, baby’s activity declines, weak leaking or gushes from vagina, persistent HA, epigastric pain, visual disturbance, swelling of face or hands, hyper/hypoglycemia, seizure, flu symptoms
normal baby kick range
10-12 kicks
diet advice for pregnancy
low caffeine (low 250), avoid deli meats bc of listeria risk, limit seafood
when do we usually do an oral glucose tolerance test and what is the cutoff
24-28 weeks, 130
what does Leopold’s maneuver test for
the fetal position
GBS group B streptococcus testing is done when, what is treatment is positive
35-37 weeks, PCN or ampicillin 2g q 4hrs
premonitory signs of labor
backache, cervical ripening, rupture of membrane, amniotic fluid assessment, bloody show, GI change, contractions, weight loss
What are the triggers for labor
progesterone decrease, estrogen increase, prostaglandin (dilation or ripen cervix)
When do you come to the hospital for nullipara or multipara for contractions?
nullipara- 5 min for one hour
multipara- 10 min apart for one hour
what are the 5 p’s
passenger (fetus placenta), passageway (birth canal), power (ctx), position (maternal), psychological response
what factors affect the passenger
head size, presentation, lie, attitude, position
desired fetal HR
110-150 BPM
when are Apgar scores taken
1 and 5 min
what are the different levels of lacerations and what describes the,
1st- superficial
2nd- extends to muscle
3rd through anal sphincter
4th- through rectal mucosa
When can an expecting mother begin to “show” her pregnancy
14 weeks depending on height and weight
What does “lightening” describe in gestation
The descent of the uterus into the pelvis in the 38-40 week range to prepare for birth
What nursing intervention can be done with a pt complaining about Braxton hicks contractions
walking or light exercise
When can the mother expect to experience a quickening or “feeling of life”
14-16 weeks
describe physiologic anemia of pregnancy
because of the increase in plasma levels, hemodilution decreases HCT and HgB
What is the most accurate way to estimate the date of birth
measurement of the embryo or fetus via US during the first trimester
What happens during the postpartum period
- The uterus goes back to size
- lochia (bright red to pink then white) takes about 6 weeks to resolve
- breast changes (sports bra to hold them thangs tight, turn away from the hot shower)
- GI changes (constipation) we want a BM 4-day post-delivery
- CV (heart goes back down)
Uterus (at or near the umbilicus)
Bowel (important for C section)
Lochia (in response to fundal check, smaller than golfball)
Episiotomy (DC, odor, lidocaine spray)
Homan’s or Hemorrhoids (DVT check)
Emotions (warning for shaken baby syndrome)
Edema (diaphoretic, diuresis)
What is the timing assessment for the fundus
q15min for 1st hour
q30 for 2nd hour
q4 hours 22 hours
every shift or protocol
more frequent if not WNL
What are nursing interventions before assessing the fundus
empty bladder, lower head and foot so she is flat, support the lower segment with hang at the symphysis pubis, locate fundus with other hands, determine tone: soft or boggy, measure distance from the umbilicus
perineum interventions postpartum
apply ice for 24 hr, encourage side lying, use glute muscles as she sits down, weak peripads snuggly, warm sitz bath after 24 hr
What medication is given typically postpartum
ibuprofen (bleeding/pain)
maybe norco, perc
interventions for hemrroids
stool softeners
witch hazel pads
frozen peripads
when does diuresis start and how much do you expect per day
12 hrs post pardum , 1500-3000 mL/day
What is the longest a postpartum mom can go without pee
6 hrs then we are straight cathing, encourage urinating in the shower to reduce pain
what immunization is encouraged for visitors
TDap for pertussis (Whooping cough)
What are nursing interventions for first 24hr c section care
pain, immobile/bedbound for 8-12 hr, comfort
What are some bonding behaviors
enface, call by name, talk and sing to baby, kiss baby, cuddle
What are some attachment behaviors
respond to baby cries, the baby responds to comforting measures, parent stimulating and entertainment, parents become cue sensitive
when can the pt resume intercourse or tampons
6 weeks :(