Module 1 Flashcards
Spreading Risk over a large Homogeneous Group
An unforeseen, unexpected, non-speculative event
Random Loss
The purchase of insurance when one anticipates having claims.
Adverse Selection
Unneeded health services may be used when the consumer isn’t paying the full cost for them.
Moral Hazard
Requires insureds to pay a certain percentage of eligible medical expenses and the insurance company covers the rest i.e., 20%/80%
The amount that individuals must pay before their insurance plan starts to pay
A cost share expressed as a dollar amount, such as $25 for an office visit.
Provides hospital and some skilled nursing facility coverage.
Medicare Part A
Covers physician and similar services
Medicare Part B
Also known as Medicare Advantage Plans
Medicare Part C
Medicare Part D
A public insurance program that provides health coverage to low-income families and individuals.
A private insurer or a public program, which pays for all or part of a patient’s healthcare services.
Third-party payers
Provide network and non-network choices without need for a PCP (gatekeeper)
Preferred provider organizations (PPO)
Theoretically, they give consumers “skin in the game”.
High-Deductible Health Plans (HDHP)
Federal/state level rules that required people to purchase health insurance or face a penalty
Individual Mandate
Favorably impacts wellness and prevention aspects of health care design and delivery.
The provision of care is based on value, not volume.
Value-Based Care