module 1 Flashcards
Social Determinants of Health: 5
Economic Stability
Neighborhood and built environment
Health and health care
Social and community context
Healthy People 2020 aims
(used to address social determinants of health
Increase the quality of life
Eliminate health disparities
Increase the years of a healthy life
Medical model
Nursing model
Medical model is Diseased focused
Diagnosis, treatment, response
-Nursing model is
Experience focused (focuses on the whole experience)
Diagnosis, treatment, response
The Circle of Caring (Caring attributes): Uses problem solving methodology and has 6 attributes
Authentic presence
Healthy People 2020 highlighted the importance of addressing the social determinants of health by including
“Create social and physical environments that promote good health for al
The model they propose to address symptoms has three dimensions
The symptom experience (subjective)
2.Symptom management strategies
3.Symptom outcomes
In 1948, the World Health Organization (WHO) defined health as a
“state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being.”
this definition provides a more holistic view of health because it incorporates the social and mental aspects of a human being, as well as the physical dimension. In fact, this definition has not been amended since its inception in 1948. However, this definition fails to recognize the spiritual and cultural dimensions of a person.
-Health is, therefore, a state in which the physical, psychological, social, spiritual, and cultural attributes of a person are in balance, creating harmony within the body
The focus in health care during the first half of the 20th century was:
tertiary prevention: Patient sought care when they were sick
2nd half of the 20th century, Switched focus to
secondary prevention, focusing on early screening and detection of disease.
primary prevention
the prevention of disease
secondary prevention
early screening and detection of disease
tertiary prevention
the restoration of health after illness or disease has occurred
Three major government initiatives…..
National Prevention Strategy
Healthy People 2020
U.S. Preventive Services Task Force.
prevalence rate
-measuring existing cases of the disease
-refers to the number of cases of a particular disease at a particular point in time divided by the percentage of the population at a point in time. Prevalence does not distinguish between new and old cases.
incidence rate
-measuring new cases disease
-the number of new cases of a disease diagnosed at a point in time (e.g., 1 year)
Health Promotion
can be defined as activities and preventive measures that contribute to an individual’s state of optimal health.
Questions to Consider Before Ordering Screening Tests
1.Does the condition must have a significant affect on the quality and quantity of life?
2.Are there acceptable treatment options available?
3.Does detection of the condition while it is asymptomatic significantly reduce morbidity and mortality if treated?
4.Does treatment in the asymptomatic phase yield a therapeutic result superior to that obtained by delaying treatment until symptoms appear?
5.Are there tests available that are acceptable to patients and at a reasonable cost that detect the condition in the asymptomatic period?
6.Is evidence of the condition sufficient to justify the cost of the screening?
primary prevention examples
Health education
Skin cancer prevention measures
Weight control
Seatbelt use
Violence prevention
Substance abuse
Education on:
Smoking, alcohol, and drugs
Environmental hazards avoidance
Protective hearing equipment
Protective eye equipment
Safety helmets for motorcycles, skateboards, and bicycles
Nutrition counseling
Stress reduction
Eliminating allergen exposure