Module 1 Flashcards
What latin word does Arts come from?
Comes from the latin word ars meaning skill or craft
Greeks developed this idea which means copying or imitation
Art as Representation of Mimesis
“Art is a reflection or mirror of reality around us and within us.”
Realist (by Aristotle)
“Art is far removed from reality, but instead ,an imitation of an imitation of
Idealist (by Plato)
Artworks was intended to evoke an emotional response and the best way to interpret art is by trying to understand the original intention of the maker of the artwork itself. This stresses that the essence of art lies in its POWER TO EXPRESS SOMETHING.
Art as Expression of Emotional Content
“Art is the contagion of feeling.”
“Art is the expression of emotion”
“The original intention of the artist is the actual art.”
“Art should not have a concept but should be judged only on its formal qualities because the content of the work of art is not of aesthetic interest.”
Immanuel Kant, philosopher
Often casually defined as an expression of one’s thoughts and emotions in a palpable
and transmittable form. It requires a tangible medium through which the artist is capable of connecting with
an audience.
What are the Scope of Arts?
- Visual Arts
- Literature
- Performing Arts
The art forms which are to be appreciated by sight.
Visual Arts
It was first used to describe the art forms created primarily for its appearance rather than its
practical use. As time passed by, the term was used to include artworks that came about from emerging technology and artistic innovations.
Fine Arts (Visual Art)
Are artworks that are both aesthetically pleasing and functional
Decorative Arts (Visual Art)
is the expression of life in words of truth and beauty. It is the written record of man’s spirit, of his thoughts, emotions and aspirations
Literary Arts/Literature
a type of literature based on the interplay of words and rhythm. It often employs rhyme and meter (a set of rules governing the number and arrangement of syllables in each line).
Poetry (Literature)
It is usually applied to a poem which deals with the feelings and emotions.
Ex. Awit, Corridos, Elegy, Folksongs, Ode, Psalms, Sonnets
Lyric Poetry
is a kind of poetry which relates events which may be real or imaginary.
Ex. Ballad, Epic, Metrical Tale
Narrative Poetry
is that kind of poetry which tells a story by means of dialogue and action.
Ex: Comedy, Farce, Melodrama, Satire, Tragedy
Dramatic Poetry
Is a form of language that has no formal metrical structure. It applies a natural flow of speech, and ordinary grammatical structure, rather than rhythmic structure, such as in the case of traditional poetry.
Give examples of the different types of Prose.
A. Anecdotes
D. Fables
G. Myths
J. Oration
B. Biography
E. Folk Tales
H. News
K. Plays
C. Essay
F. Legends
I. Novels
L. Short Stories
when artists use their voices and body movements to communicate artistic expressions.
Performing Arts
Defined as the manipulation of sound and silence.
It blends diff elements such as pitch, rhythm, dynamics, timbre and texture to produce
Umbrella term used to refer to music that stems from Western Classical Music
Art Music