Module 1: Flashcards
Components of Soil
45% mineral material
5% organic matter
25% water
25% air
Physical Properties of Soil
Soil Texture
Soil Structure
Soil Porosity
Organic Components
LFH Horizon
> 30% organic matter
composed of leaves, twigs, and woody material
O Horizon
> 30% organic matter
composed of mosses, rushes, and woody material
A Horizon
<30% organic matter
near soil surface
E Horizon
leached of mineral/organic content
B Horizon
mineral horizon, subsoil, less organic than A
C Horizon
mineral horizon, not very organic
5 Factors of Soil Formation
Parent Material
Soil Texture
relative size of mineral particles
Soil Structure
quality of soil particles binding to form larger particles
Soil Particle Surface Area
as particle size decreases, surface area increases.
Bulk Density
Measure of weight for a given volume of soil and gauges soil porosity/ compaction
Fine textured/organic soils have lower bulk density
Factors Influencing Soil Compaction
Soil Sortedness
compaction force
soil saturation
Bonding of like substances (water and water)
Bonding of different substances (water and soil)
large channels btwn aggregated particles (peds and clods), allowing water and air flow.
Micropore (Capillary Pores)
Small channels within aggregated particles (peds and clods)
Soil Colloids
small soil particles (clay/humus), suspended in water solution
Available Water
water in soil between field capacity and permenent wilting point
Saturation Point
water cannot hold anymore water
Gravitational Water
Water that drains out of macropores (without charge)
Capillary Water
Water held in mircopores (with charge)
Field Capacity
after drained, the maximum water holding porosity
Hygroscopic Water
water held to soil particles at permenent wilting point
Permenent Wilting Point
soil so dry that plants cannot pull any water from it.
Saturated Flow
movement of water when soil is saturated
Unsaturated Flow
movement of water at field capacity or lower
Primary Nutrients from Air:
Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen
Primary Macronutrients
Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium
Nitrogen Function
part of amino acids and chlorophyll (photosynthesis)
essential for growth
deficient if leaves yellowing
found in ammonium and nitrate