Module 1 (1) The financial planning process Flashcards
What languages are required to be mastered in the process of becoming a CFP?
- Insurance
- Investments
- Taxes
- Employee benefits
- Retirement planning
- Estate planning
What are the CFP practice standards intended to do?
- Assure that the practice of the CFP is based on established norms of practice
- Advance professionalism in financial planning
- Enhance the value of the planning process.
What is the Financial Planning Process?
- Establishing and Defining the Client- Planner relationship.
- Gathering Client Data including goals
- Analyzing and evaluating the clients financial status
- Developing and Presenting Financial Planning Recommendations and/or alternatives
- Implementing the Financial Planning Recommendations
- Monitoring the Financial Planning Recommendations.
What is Practice Standard 100-1?
Defining the scope of engagement: The financial planning practitioner and the client shall mutually define the scope of the engagement before any financial planning service provided.
What is the six step process of accomplishing 100-1?
- Identifying the service to be provided
- Disclosing the practitioners material conflicts of interest
- Disclosing the practitioners compensation arrangements
- Determining the client’s and practitioner’s responsibilities
- Establishing the duration of the engagement
- Providing any additional information necessary to define or limit the scope.
What is Practice Standard 200-1?
Determining a Clients Personal and Financial goals, needs and priorities:
The FA and the client shall mutually define the clients personal and financial goals, needs and priorities that are relevant to the scope engagement before any recommendation is made and/or implemented.
What is rule 200-2?
Obtaining Quantitative Information and Documents:
The FA shall obtain sufficient quantitative information and documents about a client relevant to the scope of the engagement before any recommendation is made and/or implemented.
What should the FA do if he/she is not able to obtain sufficient quantitative information and documents to form a basis for a recommendation?
Either of these:
- Restrict the scope of the engagement to those matters for which sufficient information is available
- Terminate the engagement
What is qualitative data?
Data where one finds out what people want, how they feel and who they want to benefit.
What areas might one explore in a comprehensive plan?
Retirement Education or other accumulation goals Emergency reserve goals Debt management goals and concerns Investment management concerns Health insurance concerns Disability contingency plan Loss of life contingency plan Long term care needs contingency plan Property and liability concerns Legal documents and estate planning distribution Anticipated changes in lifestyle, family, health or other concerns.
What type of quantitative data might one collect?
- cash flow statements
- benefit package descriptions
- copies of personal insurance policies and latest statements
- investment and bank statements including retirement accounts
- SS statement
- Liability contracts/debt statements including family loans
- copies of wills, durable pos, trusts, prenuptial agreements, divorce decrees, business entity formation, gift tax returns
What is rule 300-1
Analyzing and Evaluating the clients information:
A FA shall analyze the information to gain an understanding of the clients financial situation and then evaluate to what extent the client goals, needs and priorities can be met by the clients resources and current course of action.
What does the statement of financial position present?
The client’s assets, liabilities, and resulting net worth at a given point in time.
What does the cash flow statement present?
The clients cash inflows and expenditures for a given period of time.
What are the two most common financial statement a FA uses?
Statement of financial position and cash flow statement.