Module 08: Oral Presentations in the Workplace Flashcards
The definition of speech are as varied and as numerous as found in the dictionaries and books that one can get hold of. One definition of speech is that it is the faculty or act of manner of speaking.
Speech is characterized as what?
(1) Speech is also the thing or remark said
(2) Speech is meant to be the language of a group, region or nation.
It is also a brief statement on foreign and domestic affairs and on the chief measured prepared by government and read by sovereign in person or by commission at opening of parliament.
They defined speech as a communication of ideas and feelings by means of visible and audible symbols originating from the speaker.
James H. McBurney and Ernest J. Wrage
Explain the nature of speech.
Whether it is private or public, original and interpretative, speech is all oral communication. It deals with thoughts and ideas to employ symbol sounds, words, inflections and gestures.
Why is it important to use symbols in speech?
For the speaker’s ideas to get through to the listener and for the listener to interpret the ideas.
When is speech or oral presentation good?
(1) The nature of the response (by the result of the speech on the listener)
(2) The soundness of the speaker’s position (by the truth of the speech)
(3) The motives and intentions of the speaker.
(4) The principles of the art of good speech
When is the speech or oral presentation not good?
(1) These criteria may not always bring desired results because many factors influence the outcome.
(2) Sometimes, a good speaker may fail to get the results he wants; a poor speaker may win favorable results in spite of his weaknesses.
(3) For instance, a speaker may get good results not because of his speech but because of popularity, or because he has made promises of reward to those who would buy his products or espouse his cause.
Who are sound speakers?
Not all who tell the truth are
believed to be sound speakers.
(2) Not all who sound truthful and sincere tell the truth although listeners naturally seek the best possible formula.
What are the principles of good speech (oral presentation) by Mcburney and Wrage?
(1) Good speech is socially responsible.
(2) Good speech reveals a speaker with good personal qualifications.
(3) Good speech is directed to serve a specific purpose.
(4) Good speech deals with worthwhile subjects.
(5) Good speech is based on best available materials
(6) Good speech is analytical.
(7) Good speech is based on sound method.
(8) Good speech claims the attention and the interest of the listener.
(9) Good speech makes effective use of voice and bodily actions.
(10) Good speech uses good diction, language and style.
Who are the authors of The Ladder to Effective Speaking?
Eugene E. White and Clair R. Henderlider
What constitutes The Ladder to Effective Speaking?
Seven (7) Steps and Two (2) Handrails
This handrail based on The Ladder to Effective Speaking pertains to audience and speech occasion.
Left Handrail
What should the speaker do when dealing with the audience and speech occasion?
(1) The speaker should first analyze and know the audience that will listen.
(2) He should know the audience age and sex, educational background, occupation and professions as well as special groups (incumbent)
(3) It is imperative that the speaker knows of him and his subject.
What should the speaker know when dealing with the audience and speech occasion.
(1) Nature of the meeting
(2) Numbers in the program
(3) Time allotment of the speech
This handrail based on The Ladder to Effective Speaking pertains to speaker and purpose.
Right Handrail
What should the speaker do when dealing with the speaker and the purpose?
(1) The subject should be within the speaker’s range of personality, reputation, and experience.
(2) The speaker must decide whether his purpose is to, PERSUADE, INFORM, or ENTERTAIN the audience.
What are the seven (7) steps in the ladder to speech effectiveness?
(1) Gathering the material
(2) Organizing the Discussion or body of the speech
(3) Discovering and using supporting materials
(4) Developing the introduction
(5) Developing the conclusion
(6) Rehearsing the speech
(7) Delivering the speech
Based on the seven (7) steps in the ladder to speech effectiveness, this process will equip the speaker in developing his topic.
Gathering the material
How should the speaker gather the material?
(1) Think
(2) Observe
(3) Communicate with others
(4) Read
Based on the seven (7) steps in the ladder to speech effectiveness, the points to be included in the speech should be jotted down.
Organizing the discussion or the body of the speech
How many headings or major divisions should be their in the speech for it to be vital?
Two (2) to Five (5)
Main head may be arranged according to any of the following patterns:
Based on the seven (7) steps in the ladder to speech effectiveness, principal points are to be explained, clarified and made interesting.
Discovering and using supporting materials
Main headings may be supported by one of the following methods.
(1) Example
(2) Comparison
(3) Statistics
(4) Visual Aids
(5) Testimony
Audience attention may be attained through materials considered in the context of:
(1) Proximity
(2) Significance
(3) Variety
(4) Vivid Concreteness
(5) Humor
Based on the seven (7) steps in the ladder to speech effectiveness, this helps the speaker obtain favorable audience attention and gives the audience in turn, an orientation on the subject.
Developing the Introduction
The introduction, about ______________ may employ any of the following devices as it endeavors to secure favorable
10% of the entire speech
What are the devices used in developing the introduction?
- Pointing to the significance of the subject.
- Giving an illustration story.
- Using humor.
- Posing a stimulating question.
- Referring to common interests, feelings, beliefs.
- Using a stimulating quotation.
- Stressing the importance of the occasion or purpose of the meeting.
- Giving a pithy but interesting statement.
- Complimenting the audience.
In developing the introduction, the audience could be given an orientation to the subject through:
(1) Giving the point of the speech
(2) Listing the main headings of the discussion
(3) Providing necessary background explanation
What should the speaker avoid in developing the introduction?
The introduction should refrain from offending, antagonizing, using irrelevant material, being long winded and apologizing.
Based on the seven (7) steps in the ladder to speech effectiveness, this summarizes and restates the main points. In this, the speech outline gets completed when this is drawn.
Developing the conclusion
What should be avoided when developing the conclusion?
(1) Introduction of a new material
(2) The conclusion should neither be abrupt nor long winded or else the audience’s attention will dissipate.
The conclusion constitutes to how many percent of the entire speech?
5% of the entire speech (or oral presentation)
What should be remembered when rehearsing a speech?
(1) Practice is important so that high quality performance may be accomplished.
(2) Rehearsal may be done alone or with other people after the outline is finished.
(3) Memorization of the sequence of the points is allowable, but that of the whole speech (oral presentation) is not advisable.
When rehearsing a speech attention should be paid to what?
(1) Voice
(2) Language
(3) Diction
(4) Pronunciation
(5) Posture
(6) Bodily Movement
(7) Gestures
(8) Facial Expression
What should the speaker keep in mind when delivering the speech itself?
(1) Keep the ideas in mind while the speech is being delivered.
(2) Eagerness to send messages should be conveyed with sincerity and naturalness.
(3) The mind should be filled with the content of the talk (hence there is hardly any room for stage fright)
(4) Notes may be used but eyes should be directed at the listeners most of the time.
This helps achieve rapport, communion and communication between speaker and audience.
Audience contact or eye contact
This leads to effective speech delivery.
Lively, enthusiastic, sincere and friendly discourse
Explain the posture and the volume of the speaker when delivering the speech?
(1) The speaker’s volume of the voice is adjusted to the size of the audience and the acoustics of the hall.
(2) As the speaker, gesticulates, or changes position sparingly on the platform, surely, there is all the chance for an effective flow of ideas.